The Outing

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"S-sorry," Evan muttered out, blushing as they both started making their way to the orchard, with Connor taking the lead, "a-about Jared, I mean. H-he's super protective over me and stuff."

Connor nodded, still a little too nervous to be making eye contact with Evan, "Yeah, uh, I would assume so. It's me, who wouldn't be worried?"

Evan could see that he was frowning, and immediately he felt so guilty. He just leaned forward and hugged Connor from behind, which took them both by surprise.

"H-hey, don't say that," Evan said, confidence in his voice, "you are s-so wonderful."

Evan held the hug for a couple of seconds more, before retracting his arms and gripping onto the corner of his button up shirt. He apologised profusely for the sudden hug, and sudden invasion of personal space, which Connor replied by telling him to stop apologising.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Connor said, now smiling at Evan, "it's nice to hear a compliment about me."


"And here we are!"

The cobblestone walls that surrounded the orchard had plants growing on it, giving the entire place a natural vibe. The entrance had a small little ark overhead that was beautifully decorated with roses and dandelions. Walking through it almost feels like entering a realm of fantasy.

"Woah," Evan muttered, mystified by the look of the entrance in itself.

"It's nice, right?"

Evan was extremely excited by the nature beyond the cobblestone walls, Connor noticed. His shoulders were relaxed, he isn't gripping onto his shirt anymore, not anxious anymore. Suddenly, Connor noticed the despair in his eyes. He noticed how Evan had lightly gripped onto his cast, still keeping the facade of a smile plastered to his face.

But, as quickly as the sadness appeared, it disappeared. Evan was bubbly again, turning to Connor with a bright smile.

"This place is so nice!"

"Right?" Connor exclaimed, feeling the excitement from Evan rubbing off on him. He then held onto Evan's hand, leading him into the orchard. This sudden grip shocked Evan, when he suddenly jerked forward. However, that shock was replaced with pure joy as his face flooded with red at the sight of Connor holding his hand.

Evan looked up, only to see the back of Connor's head, and looked down, quickly following Connor to wherever he wanted to lead him to. Evan couldn't see the light blush on Connor's face, whose mind was currently occupied with the sentence, "I'm holding his hand, people are going to think we're a couple."

Connor led Evan to one of the taller trees in the orchard, which provided the perfect shade as he set up the picnic. The tree was very tall, and it was surrounded by many other trees. This provided the perfect calm rustling of leaves in the wind that calmed Evan as he watched Connor set up. Not only that, they had the perfect view of the horizon.

Soon, they were both seated on the blanket, chewing on the sandwiches Connor bought on the way to Evan's house.

"So, do you like it?"

Evan was so relaxed, he didn't hear Connor talk to him. Connor had to tap his shoulder to bring him back to reality. This cause Evan to frantically apologise for getting distracted, and cause Connor to chuckle.

"It's fine, really," he smiled, his voice nice and soothing, "that's why I brought you here in the first place."

Evan tilted his head a bit, to show his intrigue.

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