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It's been about a week.

Evan had finally had the time to reflect on his actions. It was rather difficult to try and work on all of his emotions on his own. After all, he was trapped in his own mind, constantly trying to reflect while being bombarded with negativity.

It took him a whole week to come to terms with his emotions which were thrown all over the place. He realised that he needed to improve a lot as a person. Most, if not all, of his problems were because of his own insecurities or mental illness. He needs to try and reach out instead of bottling these feelings out.

Of course, he knew that one week would not be enough to properly sort out his emotions and his behaviour for the past eighteen years of his life. To say that would be absolutely bizarre. Everyone has their own pace of solving their own emotional burden, and everyone has their own ways of dealing with it. Even if they do deal with it, it does not mean that everything will automatically change.

Everything tales time to heal. It completely depends on both the person and the situation to decide how quickly they heal.

Changing is a natural process, and it takes time to change a person and their behaviour for the better. Evan has not completely dealt with his own problems at all, but his mind is clearer than before. He could make wiser decisions than before.

For the first time in almost two decades, Evan had awoken fresh. He has a clear state of mind. He could wake up without feeling as much of the despair creeping in his mind. He could wake up, noticing how lovely the butterflies outside glided about, as the warm sun shone on his skin.

He sat up in bed, actually feeling capable of smiling in anticipation of the day ahead of him. He threw the blanket off his legs, turning to the side and letting his legs drape over the side of the bed. He stretched out his arms, hearing the loud cracks from his elbows as he tilted his head to stretch his neck. He yawned, feeling the fatigue wash away as he stood up.

He marched over to the door, excitedly turning the knob and walking out, seeing his mother outside his room, with a plate of food in her hands. She glanced up, noticing that Evan has a smile on his face, which was unusual for him.

She raised an eyebrow, as Evan greeted her with a sense of excitement. She was confused with the sudden change in attitude. Usually, Evan would not even put up a smile. In fact, she would usually be the one trying to give Evan some enthusiasm. She would then receive a fake smile, which she would then qualify as Evan taking note of her words to improve.

To see Evan waking up with a smile usually meant that he had talked to Connor the night before, or that he had something going on. Naturally, as a concerned mother would, she questioned Evan's sudden joyful expression.

Of course, she was absolutely happy that Evan found happiness, especially if that happiness was also because of someone else. It was just unusual, is all.

"Evan, honey," Heidi cautiously approached, "what's gotten you so happy?"

Evan gave Heidi a smile, taking a relaxed breath. He shrugged, casually uttering a 'I don't know' and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for the school day. Heidi was a tad bit infuriated that Evan had decided to shrug her off, that was true. However, she figured that Evan himself probably did not have an explanation for it.

Thus, before Evan could March off to the bathroom, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, whatever it is, I am so glad to see that smile on your face again."

She waved him goodbye, and left the house for work. Evan sighed, finding himself more relaxed than ever before. He marched into the bathroom, getting ready.

Dear Crush! | A Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now