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"Good afternoon, what's your order?" She politely asked to the young boy which around her age who just came in inside the cafe and walked towards the counter.

"Two caramel frappes please." The boy responded with a bright smile plastered on his flawless, handsome face.

"That's $7.95 in total, please wait for a minute." She said, gently pulling the money the boy gave and worked for his order.

She prepared the plastic frappe container and poured the ingredients. As she worked for his order, his eyes were focused on her. This girl was familiar. She is his classmate in the present school year but he just barely know her.

"Here's your order sir." She said handing him the tray containing his drinks but he only took one of his order and started to walk away. "Sir wait! You forgot the -- " Cutting her off, he turned around and smiled at her.

"That's for you."

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a/n: hey guys it's me again with a new fanfiction, and this time it's produce 101's Park Jihoon yehet! I hope you guys would enjoy this story and don't forget to vote and comment, the first chapter will be published in the next few hours or days tho.

i am sincerely sorry for my grammatical errors, i can't do the proof read thingy since i am very busy with my school works :((

PLEASE DO UNDERSTAND ME, AND RESPECT ME AS THE AUTHOR OF THIS STORY. GIVE ME A BREAK GUYS, you should be careful with your comments becoz it hurts me ya know? and this story won't be the way you wanted to. PLEASE. RESPECT ME.

if you don't understand what i am trying to tell you then please leave.

that's all thank you.

frappe ➳ park jihoonWhere stories live. Discover now