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5 years later.. 

"Aish that bitch! Ugh! Bae Jinyoung's only mine! Can't she know her limits?! I'm already having my freaking years of relationship with him and now that bitch is trying to ruin it?! What the actual -- " 

"Yes, yes, yes. I got it. Baejin's yours. Okay?" Sonagi said covering Kuie's mouth as they drink some bottles of soju. Blame Kuie for it, she was really mad because a snake just flirted with Jinyoung last night in the reunion party in their class in high school. 

Kuie swallowed a large amount of soju making her throat burn for some seconds and Sonagi was just sighing for the girl's behavior. She didn't knew Kuie would be this wild about her possessiveness when it comes to Jinyoung. 

"B-Bae Jinyoung is mine okay?" Kuie hicks. She's getting drunk. 

"Ya, ya, I'm gonna call Jinyoung to get you out of here." Sonagi told her and quickly dialed her best friend's phone number using Kuie's phone. 

It's been a year ever since they all graduated in college. Sonagi is already running her mom's business right now and also with the help of Hyungseob. Daniel's being successful with his cafe, it earned a lot of branches nationwide. Seonho and Samuel are in their last year of college, while the rest have their own works, either abroad or somewhere in South Korea. 

"Hey nincompoop.!" Sonagi called through the line, she suddenly heard a thud and it was Kuie who already passed out. 

"Hey sweetheart." 

"Don't sweetheart me, it's Sonagi. Idiot." 

The boy got startled and gave the girl a nervous laugh. "What's up?" 

"I heard someone flirted with you last night." And it made Jinyoung laughed. 

"We just talked okay -- " 

"Kuie's drunk, take her home. She's wasted." 


"Uh uh, she already passed out. Bring you freaking ass car in the ****** Soju House in the ****** street in 5 minutes. I still have work to do in my office! You playboy." 

"Yes, yes. I'm coming! Goddammit why is she drinking?!" 

"For an obvious reason, she is really possessive to you and she got jealous. Bye, just get down here right now!" And with that the call ended, Sonagi put Kuie's phone down on the girl's bag and put the soju bottles aside, and sighed heavily. 

"Good for you, you're boyfriend's here. And mine? I don't know when will he comes back." She sighed once again and looked at Kuie's face which was being scarlet red. "Tch, she's wasted alright." 

A moment after, Jinyoung arrived with his car, immediately rushing inside the Soju house and found the two girls waiting for him. Sonagi didn't drink too much, because she's looking out for Kuie. And to think, she still needs to drive towards her huge office and manage some papers and other business work. 

"At last, the playboy's here!" Sonagi exclaimed. 

"I'm not a playboy, I'm just handsome." Jinyoung smirked as he saw Kuie, being drunk and drowsy. "Oh my gosh, jagiya, wae geuraeyo?!" 

Kuie hicks again and slapped Jinyoung cheek as she pointed him using her middle finger. Jinyoung's fucked up, it's his fault anyways. "You *hicks* you bastard! *hick* you let that asshole, flirt with you last night! *hick* naneun ne yeojachingu ya! *hick*" Jinyoung held his red cheek and chuckled. 

"Where were you?" Sonagi asked. 

"I went to see my dad in his office." Jinyoung answered. 

Sonagi gave him a you-deserve-it look and patted his shoulder. "Take care of her and no dirty business. I'm going now. Peace out hoes!" She said and walked out of the Soju house, leaving the couple behind. 

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