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Sonagi avoided Jihoon the next day

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Sonagi avoided Jihoon the next day. She was very thankful that she's not seatmates with him anymore and there's Haknyeon being a wall between them. She tried to forget what happened yesterday and chill. But whenever Jihoon glance at her, she'll blush and remember everything. Jinyoung was really suspicious. I mean, he's already aware about what's happening. And as for the others excluding Hyungseob. 

Morning classes were finally done, and it's lunch time. Haknyeon asked Sonagi if she was okay because she keeps covering her mouth. 

"I'm okay." She murmured. 

"Sonagi-ah, I'll be going to the bathroom. Just wait for me in the rooftop." Jinyoung told Sonagi as he walked out of the classroom. Daehwi was still busy packing his things and there's Jihoon who stood up. 

"Sonagi." He called. But the girl immediately exited the room, leaving Daehwi and Haknyeon confused. 

"Is she okay?" Daehwi asked. 

"She said she is." Haknyeon added. 

"What did you do?" Daehwi eyed Jihoon. 

"Nothing." He said walking out of the room. 

Sonagi ran towards the dance practice room and holding the doorknob. She was panting and released out a heavy sigh. Knowing that Jihoon might follow her, she twisted the doorknob and entered inside. 

Her ears heard the Troublemaker song of the Troublemaker and there lies, two familiar figures dancing. Sonagi closed the door behind her as her jaw dropped. 

"Seonho? Guanlin?!" She exclaimed. Both of the them stopped upon hearing her voice. She was so shock and there's them, being shook. 

"Sonagi noona, hehehe." Seonho chuckled sheepishly. 

"What was that?" She asked them. 

"Uhm,.." Guanlin hummed. 

"That was kind of.." She paused. "Never mind, continue." 

Opening the door of the practice room, Sonagi left the two inside. She rubbed her forehead and closed the door behind her. 

She realized Jinyoung was waiting for her on the rooftop so she started to walk away when Jihoon happened to see her back figure, he chased her. "Yoon Sonagi!" He called. 

As soon as Sonagi heard that voice, she fasten her walk until she reached the stairs which lead to the rooftop. But still Jihoon managed to catch up with her and grabbed her shoulders, in the middle of the stairs. He spun her around to face him and there she is, blushing.  

"Why are you avoiding me ever since this morning?" He asked. 

"Let go of me." She said as he did. 

"So why?" 

"Why did you do it?" She asked. 

"If this is about what happened yesterday -- well, okay. I like you." 

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