thirty six

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Sonagi is sitting on the bench alone, in their school garden

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Sonagi is sitting on the bench alone, in their school garden. She's wearing her white earphones and played a random song. She was biting her lips because she was bored, waiting for Jihoon to come. He said he'll meet her here, and so she came.

It's been 5 minutes and she's getting impatient. Good thing that the cold breeze of the wind is making her calm and so with the sooth music. Her excess of her hair, dance with the wind as it gently slaps her pinkish cheek.

She's holding her phone which was resting on her lap, she keeps on changing the funky songs on her playlist and replaced it with a soft one. "Where the hell is Jihoon?" She muttered to herself.

Without looking around, Jihoon arrived just then. He saw his girl from afar and like what the wind did to her, Jihoon's hair dance with the wind either. He slowly walked down on the garden with his hands shoved on his pocket, slowly approaching Sonagi.

The girl seemed like she didn't see him at all that he sneaked behind her, and grabbed her shoulders from the back, making the girl flinched. "Aigoo!"

"Kyeopta~" Jihoon snickered.

"You scared me tho." She said removing her earphones, turning off the music. "How was it, the result I mean?"

Jihoon just sighed and looked down on the green grass, shaking his head. "He said, the judges will announce the winner during the retreat."

"Oh, well.. I hope you guys will win tho.. but I'm still on the other side." Sonagi chuckled as Jihoon sat on the bench while pouting.

"I'm your boyfriend, you should support me and my group. Your bestfriend's there too, and Haknyeon." He said crossing his arms on his chest as he stubbornly leaned his back on the railings of the bench.

"But my brother's there, Daehwi and my idol, Youngmin oppa." She answered sitting beside him.

"I hate you." He pouted even more as he placed his head on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I still love you." She responded ruffling his bangs. Sonagi put her earphones on again to listen to another sooth music, when Jihoon stole the other piece.

"Please play I Smile, by Day6." Sonagi scoffed and went to play the music. Jihoon closed his eyes as Sonagi wrapped her arm around him, "Wake up after the song's done."

"Yes ma'am.."

• ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •

"Oh there you are, I was looking for you." Kuie welcomed Sonagi who were with Jihoon. They just got out from the garden and went back to their classroom.

"You're not in this class, what are you doing here?" Jihoon asked her.

"Rude," Kuie pouted.

"What's wrong Kuie?" Sonagi asked.

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