thirty one

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It was a tiring day from school and as usual, they're inside Harry Pote's cafe excluding Seongwoo. 

"I wonder where Seongwoo hyung went?" Daniel wondered as he keep on flipping the pages of the menu. 

"He didn't tell you?" Daehwi asked him. 

"Would I be wondering if I knew? Duh, Daehwi?" Daniel asked in a sassy tone. Sonagi heard the conversation and decided to butt in. 

"He went to the airport to pick up Yoojin eonni." She said making Hyungseob choke on his drink and Daniel coughed out loud. 

"Uhm, do you guys have a problem?" Daehwi asked in an are-you-both-okay? look. 

"We don't!" Both Hyungseob and Daniel said unison. 

"Suit yourself," Sonagi said and went back to work. 

Everything was fine. Jihoon was in deep thoughts. He recalled what happened on the other day. What does she mean, she lied. Should I hate her because I was the one who actually got blamed? I can't hate her.. Well I mean, I was put on the negative side because of what she have done! But it was for Hyungseob -- aish! But still! 

"Park Jihoonie!!" 

An annoying voice was heard inside the silent cafe. Sonagi smirked and scoffed resting her hand on her waist. "Now what does that bitch wants?" She muttered to himself. 

All eyes turned to the beautiful lady but the attitude. /coughs/ "Uhm, girl dogs aren't allowed here." Youngmin spit out. 

"Shut up." The girl rolled her eyes at him. Youngmin just smirked and ignored. 

"Uhm, actually.. girls with thick make up who actually look like a clown aren't allowed here. There's no children's party being held in my cafe tho, I think you're the wrong location." Jihoon barked out of laughter on to Daniel's statement. 

Hanyeol's actually wearing a think make up, mini skirt and 4-inch heels. "This is also not a disco bar to wear mini skirts and heels like that." Daehwi added. 

"Heol, Kuie is still prettier than you." Jinyoung pointed out as Kuie eyed him.

"I'm not here to hear any of your stupid comments. You're just all insecure of some of you actually are secretly in love with me." Hanyeol boasted with a seductive wink. 

"Oh please, who's an idiot to fall for someone like you." Haknyeon responded. 

"I wasn't talking to you weirdo!" Hanyeol roared. Bureureung! 

"Shut up and leave Hanyeol, I have no business to do with you." Jihoon said shrugging her off. But the girl sat beside him and cling onto his arm making Sonagi's ears turned red. She's pretty damn scary when she gets mad. 

"You have, honey." Hanyeol pouted and acted cute. 

"I seriously wanna punch someone who doesn't do aegyo very well." Samuel whispered to Guanlin. 

"I think I'm gonna puke, wanna join us Seonho?" Guanlin asked when he saw Seonho who wasn't listening and just eating the 3rd cake from Daniel. Good thing the foods are free if it's Daniel's friend. 

"You say something hyung?" Seonho asked innocently. 

"Nothing just, keep eating." Guanlin responded. 

"Hey, give me some. You're so selfish." Samuel retorted sitting beside Seonho and went to share the cake but Seonho was so selfish that he didn't give Samuel any. 

"Here Samuel, Guanlin." Sonagi suddenly popped out of nowhere giving her two dongsaengs, chocolate cakes while eyeing Hanyeol who was being clingy with Jihoon. 

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