forty four

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Kuie adjusted the lens of her camera as she walked down in the dining hall with Jinyoung. The both of them were grinning to fact that she have captured a lot of sweet and cheesy moments of Jihoon and Sonagi during the whole vacation. 

Jinyoung was a little bit disappointed at the same time, since right this afternoon, they'll be heading back to Seoul and go to school the next day. 

"Should I spread this to dispatch?" Kuie asked, as a small smirk formed on her face. 

"You're so silly." Jinyoung chuckled ruffling her hair and there they stumbled with Daniel and Seongwoo who just got out from the hall, leaving Yoojin alone, dumbfounded on her table after eating her lunch. 

"Hyung." Jinyoung said. 

"You all slept in didn't you?" Seongwoo asked. 

"Yeah, kind off." Kuie nodded. "Everyone of us did." 

"What are you doing with that camera?" Daniel asked, being curious why Kuie keeps on bringing her camera with her ever since on the other night. 

"We're investigating." Jinyoung said grabbing Kuie's camera and showed some pictures which were contained with Sonagi and Jihoon's faces. Seongwoo took a peek and covered his mouth, acting like he was so shock. 

"It's all Sonagi and Jihoon's pictures here." Daniel said. 

"Well, I separated their pictures with the gang's pictures tho." Kuie responded aiming to grab her camera back but, Daniel saw something. "By the way, have you see Yoojin eonni? She's gone when we woke up." 

"Oh my gosh, did these two sleep in one bed?!" Seongwoo exclaimed making everyone's eyes landed on the four of them. Yoojin saw them and immediately butted in. 

"What's with the shameless reaction?" The girl spoke from behind, making Seongwoo and Daniel flinched almost, slipping the expensive camera off of Daniel's hands. 

"Gosh! What the heck Yoojin, you scared the shit out of me!" Seongwoo exclaimed. 

"Sorry, I was just curious what you guys were talking about." The girl said shrugging her shoulders innocently. 

"You're still young to know what's happening." Seongwoo patted her shoulder making the girl scoffed. 

"I'm older than Kuie and Jinyoung, brother." Yoojin said in a matter-of-fact tone and rolled her eyes. "Anyways, Kuie-ah let's go and pack your things, you're leaving this afternoon." 

"You're not going back to Seoul with us?" Jinyoung asked. 

"Uhm no, I'll stay here until Tuesday." 

"But what about school?" Daniel said, wasn't expecting to show courage of him asking her. Yoojin pressed her lips, forming a thin line and looked down on her shoes. 

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