forty six

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"Hey pipsqueak, we're all in the airport right now. Aren't you coming to see Jihoon hyung?" Jinyoung asked on the other line which Sonagi find the phone call really boring and it's giving more painful feeling deep inside her chest. 

She grabbed a taxi to get home after Jihoon said that when he come's back, they'll get married. She was happy at the statement but she was quiet sad for Jihoon's sudden departure. She can't process the scenario. Why is everything happening so fast? 

The said flight is 8:00 pm and it's now 6:53, 1 hour and 7 minutes from now, Jihoon's plane will leave. "Hey Sonagi.. Jihoon hyung wants to see you. Even Hyungseob hyung and Aunt Namhee's here." 

Sonagi didn't even budge to speak. She was staring at nothing, while sitting on the window seat, hugging her knees. Being emo as she is, she's being broken. Why didn't Jihoon tell her sooner? 

"Ya, this is your last chance to see him, he'll be gone for a long period of time. Sonagi please come." Jinyoung was getting impatient to the fact that Sonagi ins't talking. Instead, she dropped the call down and threw herself on her bed, lying with her stomach. 

Her tears are still betraying her. Sadness have invaded her emotions. She scrolled down on her gallery to see her pictures together with Jihoon and some of their friends. She also went to her message app and received multiple messages from Daniel, Hyungseob, Jinyoung, Kuie, Youngmin, Haknyeon, Samuel, Guanlin, Daehwi and Seonho. 

They're all telling her to come quick because anytime now, he'll go. While reading their messages, she suddenly received a message from Jihoon. "I love you." 

And with that message, she hurriedly rose up from her bed, grabbing her hoodie and ran out of her house, running down on the street immediately grabbing a taxi. "Ahjussi, please take me to Incheon Airport and please hurry." She said. 

"Ne ahgassi." The driver thankfully speed up and every minute have passed, Sonagi's being emotional again and at the same time, she becomes nervous. After almost an hour, yes an hour. The distance from Seoul and Incheon is an hour, but since Sonagi told the driver to speed up, it took them less than an hour. 

Sonagi paid the driver when they arrived, she immediately went out and ran down to where they are. Good thing Jinyoung sent her a message to where they were. She glanced on her clock and there she found out that she has only 10 minutes to see Jihoon. 

"Calling S365 passengers from Incheon to Los Angeles, your plane has arrived and we'll leave in a few minutes. Please go to your assigned plane immediately, thank you." That was the cue and she heard it. Her eyes wandered around and ran, when she spotted a group of familiar people. She approached them and there Sooji and Jihoon, who are staring to leave, grabbing the luggage. 

Jihoon was expecting Sonagi to come to see him, and so does their friends and their moms. I guess she's not coming to see me. He was disappointed. 

Sonagi was panting as she stopped running behind Hyungseob. The latter didn't notice her, until.. "Ya! PARK JIHOON!" All eyes laid down on her as Jihoon stopped on his tracks. Jihoon turned his heels and saw her. 

"Ya!" He said running back towards her and hugged her tightly. 

"She came. Gosh, I'm getting emotional." Jinyoung cried on Kuie's shoulders but the girl shrugged him off. 

"You punk, you don't need to leave." Sonagi cried. 

"You're also a punk here. I thought you'll never come." Jihoon said burying his face on her neck. Sonagi broke the hug and punched him on his stomach lightly. 

"You don't have to leave. You should've decline your father, jagiya. He is filthy rich! He can come here on his own, on whatever reason he has. You can tell him you can do college in here, there are lot of fine universities here. Long distance relationship is hard Jihoon, I'm not ready with this." She cried even more, Jihoon cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears using his thumbs. 

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