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"Saeng-il chuka hamnida, saeng-il chuka hamnida, saranghaneun Jinyoung-ssi saeng-il chuka hamnida

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"Saeng-il chuka hamnida, saeng-il chuka hamnida, saranghaneun Jinyoung-ssi saeng-il chuka hamnida."

"Saeng-il chuka hamnida, saeng-il chuka hamnida, saranghaneun Sonagi-ssi saeng-il chuka hamnida."

The gang were all in the rooftop singing the birthday song for the two love birds. But there's Jihoon, sulking on the corner. Jinyoung and Sonagi, both thanked their friends and chuckled.

"The party's tonight. Make sure you're all present." Jinyoung said.

"I am wearing a stupid gown." Sonagi sighed earning a nudge from Hyungseob.

"I swear, you will look good on that gown." The boy said sticking out his tongue.

They talked and talked about the plans for tonight. And as for Jihoon who keeps on listening, he didn't mind to do the talking. He is still devastated. Like. Seriously. But he will go to the party.

As for Jinyoung who's suspecting him, he doesn't want to ruin his and Sonagi's night. He'll let this go for now and talk to Jihoon later.

"So, that's all I wanna tell you guys. My mom loves the Philippines so much that she put their tradition in her debut." Hyungseob said.

"Do I really need to wear that gown?" Sonagi complained.

"Aigoo.. that gown is so expensive. Jihoon's mom and mom paid for that gown." Hyungseob said pointing his index finger on her.

"Uhm hey, princess. May I ask you this question?" Daniel asked earning her attention.


"You are living under a wealthy family, why are you a working student?"

Sonagi sighed and shook her head. "Actually, I don't wanna bother my aunt to waste money for me. I wanna help." She sighed again. "But you didn't have to buy me that gown."

"Hey, this is your debut. Your 18th birthday. Of course, we need this to be special."

• ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •

The night came, and Sonagi was being dragged on her bedroom with her aunt's personal make-up artist. She was complaining and want to run away but she can't. She's stuck in front of the mirror while the make-up artist is doing something horrible on her face and also, with her hair.

Is it really horrible? Because I'm sure, she'll be stunning.

The guests are slowly arriving as the other staffs, are almost done with everything. The boys were already downstairs, Jinyoung is walking around entertaining some guests as they greet him and Jihoon is still missing.

"Where the hell is Jihoon?" Daniel complained as he glance at his watch.

"I can't see Sonagi either." Haknyeon said tilting his head from left to right.

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