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"Since your birthday is on Wednesday, how about we celebrate it after class. I have a surprise for Jinyoung. Hehe." Hyungseob snickered as they all gathered on the round table, discussing about the upcoming party.

"You have a surprise for him? What about me?" Sonagi asked like a jealous sister as she pouted. The boys find it cute and there's Daniel who's pinching her cheeks.

"Aigoo. You'll see." Her brother said. "The party is overnight so expect tiredness and fun."

"Dude, we have school the next day." Daehwi complained.

"Bring your clothes, you'll rest in our house. It's pretty much big for all us."

"A party and a sleepover? Sounds girlish." Guanlin smirked.

"So what, at least there's food." Samuel added.

"You punk, don't start the party without me." Haknyeon announced.

"I was about to say that." Jihoon sighed, shaking his head at the person who just stole his line.

"We won't start until the gang is not complete okay?" Sonagi said.

"The lady just spoke, who's with her?" Jinyoung asked as all the boys raised their hands.

"Hey, don't let Hanyeol know about this." Daniel whispered to Jihoon.

"I won't let anyone ruin this party." Jihoon replied.

And as soon as it was all settled, everyone has gone back to their work. 


1 minute later..

okay, the song's done..

  • ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •  

"Hey hyung, may I ask what's your surprise for me?" Jinyoung who was desperate and curious to know, asked his hyung. But Hyungseob just chuckled as they walk down the street. 

It was already dark and Sonagi's shift was done earlier in the afternoon. Jinyoung and Hyungseob decided to talk about something so they were hanging out in the city. They're with the others tho. 

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell you but I'll spoil you a little." The guy smirked. 


"Sonagi's involved with it." He winked at the younger one. Jinyoung's expression got blank for a minute and realized he was really excited.  

For the minute Jihoon heard that, he had a doubt that, that surprise would really be a big surprise. 

Meanwhile, Sonagi was studying inside her room. But Hyungseob's words keep on invading her head, preventing herself to focus on her study session. "A party? Is he serious?" She asked herself. 

She keep on playing with her pen while staring at her pastel painted wall as she bit her lower lip. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be bad. Right? Aigoo." She bumped her forehead on the top of her notebook and groaned. 

A loud heavy sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head, continuing what was she's doing. But then, the thoughts doesn't want to leave her mind. 

When Monday came, everyone was nervous. The exams will start in a few moments and everyone was keeping their minds remembering all their notes and reviewers. And as soon as the test papers are already on their desk, they started to answer the questions smartly. Unlike Hanyeol who was struggling. 

Sonagi? Well, she can tell it was all pretty easy for her. 

The time went by, the morning exams were finally over. 

"How's your brain?" Jihoon asked Daehwi. 

"Mine's broken." Daehwi sighed burying his head on his arms. 

"Are you guys okay?" Sonagi asked them. 

"I'm so not okay. My brain's drained." Haknyeon complained. 

"You look happy despite that we just encountered hell." Jinyoung told her. 

"The test looks pretty easy. Piece of cake." She added with an eye smile. 

"Sometimes, I wanna steal her brain." Jinyoung murmured. 

"Another hell is coming and that's the afternoon exams." Daehwi sulked in the corner.  

  • ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •  

Daniel got worried about how miserable Daehwi was after the exam. He let him take the day off and to not be unfair, Sonagi was given a day off too. It means, the Harry Pote's cafe is closed for this Monday. 

Jinyoung was dragged by Hyungseob all the way to Jinyoung's house. Hyungseob has something to show him. While Sonagi is with Jihoon, they were walking around the park because Jihoon was so miserable too. All the members of the gang decided to take a rest after the hell day. 

"You look like rejected by your crush." Sonagi laughed at the latter. 

Jihoon sighed heavily and rubbed his nape. "I'm so frustrated with the exams you know. How could you be so chill and energetic today?" He asked. 

"Well I admit that was a little bit hard but it's okay. I made it. It's done." She smiled. 

For the minute she smiled while they're together, Jihoon fell for the sweet and innocent smile. All he can see is happiness in her eyes. She's being so bubbly and cheerful. "Don't stare at me like that. You're creeping me out." Sonagi laughed slapping Jihoon to reality. 

"I'm sorry." He said. 

"It's fine. You look like it's your first time to see me all your life." She said. "Hey, let's go to the arcade. You look so gloomy. C'mon." She smiled again and dragged him out before he could answer. 

Jihoon just let her drag him. He wouldn't mind. It's the girl he likes so no problem. He likes how she held his hand heading towards the arcade.

"Stop being so gloomy and have this." She said giving Jihoon a huge cotton candy.

He was so stupid that he only realized that they're already in the arcade when the girl gave him the pink cotton candy and they were sitting on the bench.

"How about you?" He askes her who was fascinated looking ath the rides.

"I'm fine, we can share." She chuckled. "We'll ride those later so let's hurry and eat this huge cotton candy! " The girl exclaimed like an excited child.

Sonagi wasn't thinking, she immediately smooch her lips on the soft candy. Jihoon wasn't looking because a ride caught his eye. When he turned his head to the cotton candy, Sonagi's face was close to him. His eyes widened and immediately blushed. Sonagi's eyes sparkled in his eyes. His heart started to beat faster. And everything went slow motion.

Sonagi blinked slowly as she stares at him. And there's Jihoon, who was having a heart attack. Without thinking, Jihoon bit the cotton candy and didn't noticed that Sonagi is almost eating the rest of it and their lips are only inches apart.

Jihoon wanted to take a chance. So the thing he did, he stuffed all the cotton candy remaining. Sonagi wasn't aware of it and she's almost done. Their faces is slowly centimeters away. She didn't saw Jihoon because her eyes landed on the sweet candy. And the next thing she knew, that her lips gently touched his.

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