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"You pipsqueak why did you left me in the classroom earlier?" Jinyoung asked her.

"I thought I was late okay? So I ran away." Sonagi answered before sipping the coffee that Daehwi gave.

"And you tripped?" Jinyoung smirked looking at her injured knee.

"I bumped onto someone and dived on the ground."

"There's no water why would you dive." Jinyoung smirked again, Sonagi stopped drinking the coffee and glared at him.

"So funny, jeez." She said sarcastically.

"I was just kidding, alright." He scoffed and continued walking towards home. "By the way, that seems deep." He added glancing on her knee. "Does it hurts?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

She drank the coffee until the cup was already empty. She threw the cup onto the nearest trashbin and went home with Jinyoung, filling it with silence. She was walking two steps behind him because she lied. It still hurts. But she managed not to be noticed by Jinyoung. She was just walking slowly behind him until, he got bored about the silent atmosphere.

"Hey, you're aunt won't scold you right?" He asked her when she stopped walking.

"Damn this wound." She murmured.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked worriedly rushing to her.

"I can manage."

"Stop lying. I know it hurts." Jinyoung insisted.

"Aish, does a wound this big wouldn't hurt?" She backfired. "And, my aunt would kill me if she sees this."

Jinyoung suddenly turned around and bend down in front of her. She just stood there curious what he was doing. 

"Hop on, I'll carry you." He said but she just crossed her arms on her chest and scoffed. 

"I'm heavy because I eat a lot, you can't -- " Her rants were cut off when Jinyoung sighed and stood up. He went to her side and immediately lifted her up using the bridal style. "Oh jeez, Jinyoung put me down!" 

Jinyoung didn't listen, instead he just let her say anything she wants. He ignored her. She wasn't heavy, she was light as a feather in his thoughts. She's naturally skinny. A few moments later, Sonagi stopped her rants and let Jinyoung carried her all the way to her house. 

When they both in front, Jinyoung ring the doorbell and speak on the speaker. 

"Hello?" He asked. 

"Ahh, Jinyoung-ah!" A male's voice responded. 

"Hyungseob hyung. Sonagi's with me and she's hurt, can you assist her inside? I'm going home now." Jinyoung replied. 

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