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The mp3 player was playing Hyuna's song Red in a very high volume. It was near closing time and as usual, the boys are there and Daehwi and Sonagi was cleaning. 

"I enjoy this song so much." Said Guanlin while banging his head and sang a few lyrics. Hyungseob was busy writing his essay and tried to concentrate but his feet is tapping on the floor. 

"Oh gosh, I really admire Hyuna sunbae but I love Jisoo more. Hehe." Samuel chuckled. Jinyoung was smirking because of Sonagi, why? It's because she's holding herself from dancing. I mean, she knows the choreo of it. And Jihoon was arguing with his mom on the phone. 

"Hey don't hold yourself, dance if you want." Daniel said earning Sonagi's attention. 

"No, I'm good." She insisted. 

"Oh c'mon noona, you're a great dancer. C'mon the chorus of the song is coming." Daehwi motivated. Sonagi sighed and started to remove her apron. 

The boys started to cheer earning both Hyungseob and Jihoon's attention. And when the chorus started, there's Sonagi who started to dance and memorized the choreography perfectly. Jihoon's jaw dropped for the second time around. 

"She really knows how to turn me on tho." He whispered but Jinyoung happened to hear it despite of the loud music. 

"Back off dude." Jinyoung growled. 

"She's yours alright." Jihoon smirked making Jinyoung rolled his eyes. 

"She's mine but she's your pretend girlfriend. Jeez." Jinyoung responded. 

"My sister belongs to no one so both of you shut up." Hyungseob cut them off. The two boys just shut their mouths up and ignored each other, not noticing that the girl was done dancing. 

  • ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •  

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Daniel said waving goodbye at them as they all separate their ways. Daniel's with Daehwi, Guanlin's with Samuel and Jihoon. While the remaining 3 went to the other direction. 

"Hey hyung, can I ask you something?" Samuel asked Jihoon who's thinking about Sonagi. 

"Sure, anything." 

"Do you perhaps, like Sonagi noona?" The latter caught off guard. The three of them stopped walking and Guanlin was looking at Jihoon with curios eyes. 

"Uhm, that's too personal." The latter chuckled. 

"Well it's okay if you won't answer my question tho. It's not important." Samuel said shrugging his shoulders. 

"Damn I was dyin' to know." Guanlin said rubbing his nape. 

"Well, I trust you guys. I can answer that." Jihoon suddenly blurted out. Guanlin immediately cling onto his arm with wide eyes. 

"I'm all ears." He said. Samuel just gave his hyungs his usual look and waited for Jihoon's golden answer. 

"So?" Samuel asked. 

"What if I tell you that, I do like her?" Jihoon said with a sly smile. 

Samuel stomped his feet and snapped his finger. Guanlin let go of him and clapped his hands. 

"Well bro, good luck. Jinyoung hyung feels actually the same." Guanlin smiled evilly. 

"I know." He sighed. 

"So what are you gonna do? You're in an arrange marriage." Samuel said. 

"Oh that, mom ended it. I'm free to take any girl that I like." He said with confidence. 

He earned a big 'whoa' from the two younger ones. Jihoon smirked at the thought. True. His mom cancelled the wedding and cut the arrangement off. He started to walk away and there's two, following him. 

"How about Jinyoung hyung?" Guanlin asked. 

"Well, he said that Sonagi's is his but I'm the pretend boyfriend." 

"Dude, there's "pretend" on it." Samuel argued. 

"Well, I can take this to next level. We'll remove the "pretend" word." 

"Confidence. I like it." Guanlin said giving his hyung a thumbs up. 

 • ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •

"Good night pipsqueak!" Jinyoung said waving goodnight to the love of his life. He entered his house and greeted his family before going to his own room. He threw his bag on his bed and so did his body, and his eyes looking at the ceiling. And there's Jihoon who suddenly popped out of his mind. 

"She really knows how to turn me on tho." 

"She really knows how to turn me on tho." 

"She really knows how to turn me on tho."    

He covered his face with his white pillow and groaned. "Damn you hyung, Sonagi's mine. She's just your pretend girlfriend. Back off dude! Back off! Aish!" 

I've been loving her how many years hyung, I hope you back off. She's mine and will be mine. I won't let my feelings gets wasted just because of you.. damn.. Don't ever lay a finger on her. I'll let her help you with your plan, but be reminded. She's only mine. 

Jinyoung removed his pillow when he heard his phone rang. It was Sonagi who was calling. "At this time?" 

"Hello Nincompoop!!" The girl greeted cheerfully on the other line. "You'll be glad what Jihoon has told me." 

Jinyoung's happy expression turned into bitter. What the hell? 

"What is it?" He asked without a sign of interest. 

"His mom cut off the engagement tho. That means, I'm out on the plan and you don't need to get jealous. HEHEHEHE." 

Jinyoung blushed at the thought. Sonagi knows that Jinyoung's jealous about her and Jihoon but in her thoughts, it's just on the friendly way. While in Jinyoung's mind. It's both love and friendship. 

"So you're all mine now?" He asked. 

"Yep, don't worry I'll tell Jihoon I'm out of the plan. It bugs me a lot tho. Well anyways, that's all. Good night nincompoop. I love you, dream of me." Sonagi then dropped the call before Jinyoung could answer. 

"If only that I love you means more than our status." He murmured to himself. 

He sat up from his bed and look at his homescreen. It was a selca of him and Sonagi eating ice cream together. It was taken a few months ago. They were both happy and they enjoy their friendship so much. 

And for some reason, Jinyoung and Sonagi never wanted to end it. Perhaps, the both of them wants to take it to another level. Mostly, Jinyoung. 

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