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This Friday night was a tiring night for her, so she immediately  did all her evening routine and went to bed with her earphones on. It's a habit of hers. She listens before going to sleep. 30 minutes have passed, and the last song of her playlist was done. She turned off her phone and removed the earphones. 

She didn't realize that she put her earphones underneath her pillow and her phone on the side table. It was a big innocent mistake. And as the hours passed, the morning sun has risen up. 

Her alarm woke her up. Her eyes started to open gently as she sat up releasing a gentle yawn while stretching her arms up. She turned off her alarm and went to find her earphones. Her hands immediately reached her pillow and touched the earphones. 

She slapped herself immediately. "Gosh, I'm so stupid." She exclaimed. 

She tried to play a song on her phone and gently pushed the chord on the phone's hole but it wasn't working anymore. She facepalmed and rushing to do her morning routine. And while in the shower, she remembered that she promise Harry Pote that she'll work the whole day in his cafe. 

"Oh shit." 

Sonagi went to change her clothes and dried her hair. She grabbed her backpack with her stuff on it and ran downstairs. 

"You're in a rush are you?" Hyungseob welcomed her when she reached the dining room. 

"Yeah, I forgot I have work." She answered while stuffing her mouth with bacon and loaf breads which Hyungseob prepared. "Where's mom?" 

"She left earlier than you. Jihoon's mom took her away from us." The guy sulked. 

"Oh so, you're going to be alone while I'm gone." The girl said munching the food. 

"I'll come with you silly." 

"Well, you can go first in the cafe. Tell Daniel that I have something to do before I enter my shift." She added as she drink her milk, signaling she's done eating her breakfast. 

"Where are you going?" He asked. 

"I broke my earphones, I need to buy a new one." 

Hyungseob nodded and went to wash the dishes. "You better go now, I'll see you later in Daniel's cafe." He said. 

"Sure, bye." She tiptoed to kiss Hyungseob cheeks and went out to get her bike which is in the garage. "It's been a month, Galaxy." 

Taking out her galaxy-themed bike, she dusted it before dragging it outside of the house. But before she could hop on, she glanced at Jinyoung's window on the second floor of their house. "That nincompoop it still asleep." She smirked seeing the curtains closed. 

Shrugging her shoulders off, she rode the bike and went away. And fate is being silly, Jihoon was also riding his bike heading to Daniel's cafe. Sonagi's destination is a few blocks away from the cafe so she needs to walk pass through the establishment. 

She was about to turn left when Jihoon welcomed her. "Oh my God!" They both exclaimed as the both fell on their bikes. "Oh gosh! You punk! Watch where -- " Jihoon was cut off when he realized it was Sonagi. 

"Damn. I'm sorry." She said as she stood up, helping the poor lad and their bikes. 

"It's okay though. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly checking the girl if she has injuries or wounds. The both of them didn't wear safety gears because they both think, they're professional bike riders. The heck.

"I'm fine, how about you?" The girl asked him. 

"The feeling is mutual." He smiled. "Hey, you're suppose to be in the cafe right? Where are you going?" 

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