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I sat down on the rooftop's floor carelessly as bend my knees near my chest. My eyes glanced on the white bandage as my fingers reached the tip of the bandage, slowly sticking it off a little bit. I'm just going to take a peek to know if it's not worse like yesterday. 

"Ah,." I whimpered. "Damn it's still hurts." 

Releasing a very heavy sigh, I attached the bandage again and slowly massaging it. I was thankful that my aunt didn't notice this. Hyungseob covered me. 

The cold breeze of the wind touched my bare skin and it's so relaxing and peaceful. Since I'm alone, I wanna sleep. I was having a hard time sleeping last night because of this crap. Aish.. I hope no one would come here until the bell rings. We still have an hour tho. 

My eyes started to feel heavy until it decided to close on it's own. My back fell on the wall behind me as my arms hugged my legs. All, peace -- 

(Wee woo, wee woo, wee!! 2x)

My eyebrows furrowed upon hearing the ringtone of my phone. Crap, I forgot to set it on silent mode and who the hell is this calling?! 

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I stared at the caller's ID. Hyungseob, why now?


"Sonagi., where are you?" 

"In the rooftop, sleeping. Why?" 

"I thought you're going to eat lunch with me?" 

"Aww, you're with Jinyoung and the others." 

"I know, but still." 

"Yeah yeah, I'm done eating lunch. Let me sleep." 

"I'm heading there with the boys." 

"Ahn Hyungseob." 

"It's oppa for you! I'm older than you!" 

"Okay oppa, let me sleep. Don't come here!" 

"Too bad, I'm already reaching for the doorknob." 

I was about to say something when the door opened. I was just sitting beside the door and I saw Hyungseob's head popped out. He wasn't lying, he was with his friends and also that new boy. 

"Damn you.." I said pretending to be sulking in the corner as they saw me sitting on the floor with the bandage, really visible. 

"What are you doing here alone?" He asked me. 

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