twenty five

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It's been a few days ever since the dating of the two couples started. And as for Sonagi, she is not convinced with Jinyoung's statement. Kuie is already in their school and she's in the other class. The girl wasn't even sure what to say to the boy who's thinking that they're dating and same goes as for Sonagi. 

"Are you sure you're not dating Jinyoung?" She asked the other girl as she braids her hair. 

"Uhm he said so that we are. He said 'date me' and I was like, heol.." The cheerful girl answered as she squished her comb. "How about you and that Jihoon?" 

Sonagi let go of Kuie's long hair and sighed. "To be honest with you dear, we're just pretending to be dating. I'm just helping him." 

Kuie doesn't seem to buy her response and made a 'tsk' sound with her mouth. "I don't buy it." She said. Sonagi looked at her and she smirked. 

"Why?" The girl raised a brow. 

"You guys looked real. So real. And no offence, I can say that you both look good for each other." The younger one snickered. Sonagi blushed at the statement but her mind keeps on yelling Jinyoung. 

"Are you saying this because you want Jinyoung?" Sonagi asked making Kuie laughed like a maniac. The girl gave her a what-happened-to-you look and at made Kuie stopped. 

"Oh gosh, you're so funny." Kuie said wiping her tears because of her laughing session. 

"What's funny about it?" Sonagi asked. 

"I like Jinyoung, I admit that. But I didn't tell you that because I want him, I'm just telling you the truth. I've seen you once when you were being chased by thugs and on the other night." Sonagi's eyes went wide. She can't believe there are a lot of coincidence happening around. 


"Coincidence? Fate, you name it. But promise, you both look great for each other. And to know, Jihoon really likes you." Kuie smiled. 

Sonagi didn't even stand the chance to say something but she's quite a little bit happy for knowing about Kuie's opinion but there's one problem, Jinyoung isn't still talking to her. 

The bell rang as Kuie nudged her arm on hers. "I'll see you later in my brother's cafe." She smiled and immediately ran out from the rooftop leaving the girl dumbfounded. 

He said he is moving on. She thought as she stood up. Should I give up too and just remain as friends? He likes Kuie, I guess. 

Shrugging off her thoughts she walked out of the rooftop as well and slowly head to her classroom. To her unlucky hour, she saw that the teacher was already inside and she was 5 minutes late. Am I that really slow? 

The teacher scolded her for a minute but he let her pass. And as soon as she settled down on her seat, she looked at Jinyoung who was taking down notes and Jihoon who was staring dreamingly at her. 

She ignored Jihoon and went to grab her phone secretly. She slowly texted Jinyoung and hid her phone after she hit the send button. And to Jinyoung's side, he felt his phone vibrated and there lies her message. "Let's talk in private after class." 

  • ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •  

"Are you sure you wouldn't go with me?" Jihoon pouted as they both stood up beside the gates.

"Quit acting cute, and I told you I'm not." Sonagi said rolling her eyes. Jihoon didn't stop being cute instead, he just kissed her cheek. 

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