twenty eight

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Jihoon keep on teasing Sonagi ever since she sang that aegyo song. She's fun to tease tho he thought. But he can't help it but to get worried. Miko.. why did even Hyungseob bring her name up? She's bothering me the whole time now. Miko's gone okay, she's not coming back.. why do I have to bother? 

"Hey hyung aren't you going to practice?" He was startled at the moment that someone just poked him. It was just Jinyoung. 

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up in a few." Jihoon replied as he gave the younger one a nod and went to their group mates. 

Jihoon's been staring at nothing inside this school dance's practice room. It's quite bigger tho and he is loving it. He is currently sitting beside a big black speaker. Miko.. Miko.. Aigoo! 

He ruffled my hair in frustration when the speaker suddenly burst out loud some music. He flinched making him stand up within a second. "Ya!" Jihoon yelled as his voice echoed inside the room. 

"Sorry!" Jihoon heard Daniel hyung yelled back. "Wait, aren't you going to practice with us?" 

"I'm about so." Jihoon answered. 

"Aish, why did our teachers want us to dance this lay your hands on me~ omg." They heard Jinyoung whined. 

"Be thankful because you're the center of this song. Do great and seduce my little Kuie. She'll be here in a few with Sonagi." Daniel said. 

"She will?" Jihoon asked out loud. 

"Yeah, seduce them bruhs." Park Woojin suddenly butted in. 

"Seduce your ass Woojin." Jisung hyung said but Woojin just pouted. 

The boys were in a commission when they heard the door went opened revealing two girls. The one was eating ice cream and the other one is looking for someone. In short, Kuie's eating the ice cream while Sonagi is looking for Jinyoung. 

"Uhm, is that the 3rd ice cream?" Daniel asked his younger sister. 

"It's actually the 4th,." Sonagi corrected. 

"You're gonna regret it later." Her brother said sighing and shaking his head in disappointment. "Just sit there and watch us, we'll start now." 

"Okay, good luck guys! Jinyoung please do well as the center." Sonagi cheered. 

"Woooooo!" Kuie added. 

"Hey, won't you cheer me up?" Jihoon pouted. Sonagi rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"I'm here for Jinyoung, not you." The girl stick out her tongue and the boy pouted even more. 

"I'll do well, thank you my fans!" Jinyoung boasted. 

"Just kidding Jihoon, please do well. Impress me." Sonagi winked. Then everyone made a fake cough, excluding Kuie since she's busy swallowing the melted ice cream inside her mouth. 

The two girls sat in front of the boys as their back on the mirror. Sonagi was near the speaker so Daniel signaled her to play the song. The beat of the song got the two girls alarmed. Kuie immediately finished her ice cream not noticing the cream on the edge of her lips. 

The 10 boys started dancing and as expected, all of them were good. Jinyoung being the center was so beautiful. 

"So take my hands, let's dance!" 

Both Kuie and Sonagi's jaw dropped. The song was lit, the dance was lit, the chorus was lit everything was beautiful and sexy until it was Jinyoung's part to sing, he suddenly walked towards Kuie and bend down, he wiped her lips using his thumb seductively and say; "Yeojuneun neonikka babe." 

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