forty three

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"Eonni, how long do you have this feelings for my brother?" Sonagi asked the older girl as they both stroll on the shore, only hearing the waves crashing on the sand in the middle of the night, as the cold breeze of the wind howls, and danced with their dresses and hair. 

"I don't know how long it is but, I've been liking him ever since I saw him." 

"You mean love at first sight?" Sonagi chuckled. 

"Well, maybe?" The older one shrugged. "It was the time when I went to train station to go somewhere tho and it was a coincidence that I happened to take the seat beside Hyungseob. I was the ignorant person and all on that time, I didn't see his face." 

"I'm all ears eonni." Sonagi smiled. 

"Thanks." The girl said returning it. "He was sleeping on that time I guess, and there's this little kid who walked passed by the both of us and Hyungseob suddenly flinched on his sleep, maybe he had a nightmare that he suddenly woke up and scared the little kid, the kid was about 5 years old and he was holding a water bottle. The kid accidentally threw the opened water bottle on me, then the water spilled all over my face. The kid cried and also, your brother was startled. The mom of the kid hurriedly rushed towards us and then, Hyungseob saw me drenched." 

"So what did my brother do?" The younger one asked as she cling on Yoojin's arm and wriggled her eyebrows. Yoojin just chuckled and held Sonagi's hand and responded. 

"He asked me if I was alright, and the mother of the kid apologized. She was about to wipe the water on my face when Hyungseob insisted to take care of me. And once again the woman apologized and disappeared." Yoojin blushed. 

"So what happened next?" 

"I was being calm and wanted to wipe my face with my sleeves, but he suddenly held my shoulders to face him and wiped my face with his handkerchief." Yoojin blushed even harder making Sonagi whimpered, poking Yoojin's waist. "Aigoo.." 

"Waaaaah eonni, I will be glad to be your sister-in-law. Hihihi." The girl snickered making Yoojin pushed her off. 

"Ya, your brother don't like me tho." Yoojin pouted. 

"Then we'll make him like you." Sonagi grinned with her evil stare and smirked. 

"Ah aniyo,. we can't force him to like me. It's fine if he won't." Yoojin nodded. But Sonagi held her both shoulders and shook her gently. 

"Eonni, if Jihoon made me like him, you can make Hyungseob like you!" 

author:  bruh how about daniel?, never mind, he'll have his own story soon anyways.. 

Yoojin took a few moments before she could give Sonagi her answer. But instead to respond with some words, she just nodded and smiled to her dongsaeng. "Really?!" The girl squealed. 

"Yep, but.. if he doesn't want to, let's just stop okay?" Yoojin said making Sonagi nodded. 

"You won't regret it." She winked. 

• ❀ • ❀ • ❀ • 

Jinyoung can't process in his mind what Kuie have said. 

"Yes, I will be." 

"Yes, I will be." 

"Yes, I will be." 

Kuie was just smiling sweetly at him while he was so stunned, still he can't process the girl's answer. "Uhm, Jinyoung?" She nudged him and then the dumbfounded Jinyoung budged to move. 

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