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"Hyung, can I please borrow Sonagi for the whole night. Something's happening." Jihoon pleaded at the dude who was leaning on the counter of his cafe. 

"What about Daehwi?" He asked him. 

"Look, I haven't said yes to your offer -- " 

"Please, you're the only one who can help me." Jihoon said cutting Sonagi off her sentence. A heavy sigh was released from her body and Daniel shook his head. Daehwi just shrugged his shoulders telling Sonagi it's okay. 

"No, I wanna help you." Sonagi pouted at Daehwi. 

"Well, I think Jihoon hyung really needs your help. I'm fine noona, just ask Jinyoung to help me." Daehwi said looking at the said boy. 

"Are you?" Daniel asked him making Jinyoung froze. 

"Well, what kind of help is this hyung?" He asked Jihoon. The latter bit his lower lip and ran his fingers on his hair. 

"Look, I wanna keep this in private. So can I borrow her, right now?" 

"Will you promise to work on Saturday? Whole day?" Daniel asked the girl who was sighing heavily. 

"But I didn't said I'll help him," Sonagi insisted pointing at Jihoon. 

"He looks like he is in need, just go help him." Jinyoung said but deep inside he was a bit jealous. 

"Fine, just for now. But next time, I won't." The girl replied. 

"Thank you, I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

And with that, Jihoon immediately dragged Sonagi out of the cafe. The boys who remained inside were curious what's going on. But only Jinyoung felt disappointment, he is jealous. He saw how Jihoon dragged her out. Their fingers were intertwined. 

He decided to shrugged that fact on his thoughts and went to replace Sonagi at this time. Even tho it's not his style. He's doing it for her. 

"Jihoon, why are we running?" The girl asked him as she looked down on their hands being held together. 

"My mom is waiting." The latter answered. 

"Oh jeez, why did you lie about yourself having a girlfriend?" She added. 

"As I said earlier, I don't want to marry Hanyeol. She's giving me nightmares." He shivered as he decided to walk making the girl bumped onto his back. 


"Omo, sorry about that." He apologized. The girl rubbed the bridge of her nose and glared at the handsome boy. 

"You could've ask somebody else to pretend to be your girlfriend." She pouted, while walking with him side by side. 

"I'm really sorry to drag you with my plan. And I wish I could pick another girl but damn, I have no one in my mind. I don't know much of the girls in school since I just transferred alright. I only know you and Hanyeol." The boy admitted. "And, you look pretty and my mom likes pretty girls for me." 

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