forty two

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Jihoon picked Sonagi up and gave her a piggy back ride and startled to stroll the beach, far from those salty, idiots. Specially Jisung, and that girlfriend seekers, Youngmin and Haknyeon. 

The rest of them stayed in the said venue, and Jihoon was starting to give them a signal to set up Jinyoung and Kuie. 

"So what's your plan?" Sonagi asked the latter who's currently carrying her, with her arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Well, Jinyoung can handle it on his own. I want him to have a happy ending with Kuie." He smirked. 

"Ahh, well then. Let's see what will happen in the morning." Sonagi answered. 


"Where did you lost it?" Kuie asked Daniel who's currently acting that he lost his watch inside the coconut forest. The forest isn't just filled with coconut trees, it's also mixed up with some big oak trees and others. 

"I don't know, I went in this forest earlier, I think I dropped it." He lied. 

"Oh, I'll help you." His sweet sister said and followed him inside the forest. Daniel was slowly forming a smirk on his face, he switched his flashlight on and started to wave it so that the others can see and give them the signal to do Jihoon's plan. 

Despite of being absent in the whole set up, Jihoon was having his alone time with his fiance and now, Jinyoung was being put into a trap and so does Kuie. 

Kuie keeps on looking around until she didn't notice that Daniel wasn't around anymore. In other words, he left her inside, in that dark forest, she only has her phone and too bad there was no connection. 

"Oppa, it's too dark. Can we just look for it tomorrow?" She asked but there was no answer. When she realized that there was no respond, she turned around to see no one was around. "Daniel?" She asked. 

She was starting to get scared to the fact that she's in the middle of the forest, alone. She tried to recall the steps where she came from but she thought she's lost. She immediately look at her phone that she had to curse it for not having a signal

"Aigoo." She sighed. 

"Will she be okay? She looks really scared." Daniel asked Jonghyun who are currently sitting on fat branch of an oak tree, spying Kuie underneath them. 

"She'll be fine, Minhyun is taking care of Jinyoung." Jonghyun whispered. 

Back onto the venue, Jinyoung was waiting for Kuie to get back with Daniel. He is currently talking to Minki enable to distract him from thinking and looking for the lost girl. 

"So you're planning to ask Kuie when we get back huh?" Minki smirked at him making the boy rubbed his nape. 

"I still don't have a perfect plan." Jinyoung sighed when Minhyun came running. 

"Ya! Jinyoung-ah!" He called earning the attention of the two. 

"Yes hyung?" Asked Jinyoung. 

"Daniel and Kuie's lost inside the forest, I can't find them!" He exclaimed acting as if it's really true. When Jinyoung become to panic, he winked at Minki who's still smirking. 

"What?! Goddammit!"  Then he started to ran carelessly inside the forest without having the information where Kuie and Daniel were. 

A minute later, Jihoon came back with Sonagi still on his back. "Is everything fine?" He asked the two boys innocently, as he gently put Sonagi down. 

"He's gone," Minhyun answered. "You're just repaying him don't you?" 

"He helped me to get Sonagi, I should help him get Kuie." Jihoon said as he did his famous wink. 

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