forty five

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Everyone just got home. Jihoon and Sonagi went to Sonagi's house, because Jihoon asked his mom to come to their house, using telepathy. Of course Sooji didn't waste her time and drive towards the Ahn's manor. Jihoon said he has a great news, with Sonagi and Hyungseob with it.

Jihoon wrapped his arm around Sonagi's shoulder and pulled her closer to him, saying "It's official, we're engaged."

Both Sooji and Namhee's jaw dropped upon hearing the news. Hyungseob wasn't surprised, since he knew it already.

"Oh my God, what?! Oh my God." Namhee cried as he pulled his son, Hyungseob into a great bear hug while sobbing.

"You really did it! Omg." Sooji said shaking Jihoon's shoulders. She was getting very emotional. To think that, she and Namhee didn't have to make an engagement party for just Jihoon to ask Sonagi the question.

He did it by himself, with the help of Jinyoung of course and so does his friends.

"Did you do it properly?" Sooji asked him. Jihoon grabbed Sonagi's wrist and lifting it up, showing the ring that Sooji has brought for her child's engagement and there she is, feeling so legit happy. Jihoon also showed his ring. "The rings suits you both, oh mg gosh."

Sonagi just gave them a sweet smile. Jihoon did too, "I can't believe it, after all this 18 years my girl has finally grown up. She's engaged!" Namhee exclaimed as she grabbed the sleeve of Hyungseob's shirt, making it as if it's a tissue.

"I also can't believe that my damn son is engaged as well." Sooji sobbed.

"How about you Seob? When are you planning to get a girlfriend?" Namhee asked her son who just fake a cough.

"I don't have plans, I will focus on my studies first." Hyungseon said giving them a slight node.

"Psh, lame." His mom commented making him sigh in disbelief. Why does my mom nags at me like this? Sonagi's engaged anyways. She can depend on her before me. I still want my leisure moments. Gosh. But Ong Yoojin tho..

"Oh, mom. Jinyoung has a girlfriend now. It's Kuie. Kang Daniel's sister." Sonagi said. Namhee just nodded and smiled.

"I hope he's happy with that girl. I heard she's kind and sweet?"

"She's legit. And he's totally happy with her." Jihoon answered.

"How about Daniel?" Sooji suddenly asked out of the sudden but the three children just shrugged off their shoulders.

Monday morning has arrived, news spreads like a bacteria. It's so fast. Almost everyone in their school knows about Jihoon and Sonagi's relationship and also Jinyoung and Kuie's love life.

And despite with all of this, they can't avoid 'jealous' fans. But to think that they all know their limits, it was damn good. Yes, good. Everything's fine.

"The four of them are famous, just tell me when will I have a girlfriend?" Haknyeon once again, being the salty person he is. Desperately looking for a girlfriend. Who wants to volunteer?

"You're not the only one in need Haknyeon, shut up please." Youngmin scolded him.

"Oh please. Cut it out. Can we just focus in our studies than to whine because we don't have girlfriends?" Daniel retorted because he was already annoyed.

"Hyung, don't be salty. I know what's the feeling of being rejected." Woojin butted in.

"I wasn't rejected!" Daniel said half-yelling.

"Hyung don't be mad, there are still a lot of girls out there." Daehwi said. True, who wants to volunteer for Daniel's girlfriend?


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