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"Ya, Bae Jinyoung! I want to see Sonagi right now, will you please hurry up?!" Kuie yelled from the first floor of their house, they are currently living together tho and maybe, they'll be living in one house for a life time. 

"I'm coming honey!" He yelled back from the second floor and hurriedly, ran down on the stairs fixing his suit for Sonagi and Jihoon's grand wedding. 

"Aigoo, took you long enough. Jeez." Kuie said rolling her eyes on the latter who just came. 

"I need to prepare properly hon, it's my best friend's wedding." Jinyoung winked and noticed that Kuie was so pretty for wearing a pink dress. "Wow, neo neomu yeppeo." 

"I don't take compliments from you now Baejin." Kuie smirked, but Jinyoung pulled her closer giving her great quick kiss. 

"I love you hehehe." Kuie just pinched his cheeks and walked out of the house, heading towards their car. 

"Just hurry and drive, your best friend needs me." She said. 

"Sure thing hon." Jinyoung replied, stepping on the gas and turned the wheel. The engine roared as Jinyoung started to drive towards the venue. 

The wedding will be held at a church, Hanyeol was invited tho and she arranged the wedding for Jihoon and Sonagi. Yoojin took care of the flowers while the rest helped them. Jinyoung already parked the car outside the church, Kuie immediately rushed out but before she could leave, she gave Jinyoung a quick kiss and told him, she'll go to Sonagi which is currently on the dressing room. 

"Be careful hon, I'll be with my friends." He said and as soon as Kuie ran away, he spotted Jihoon with Hyungseob, talking. 

Kuie went to find the dressing room where Sonagi was, and she found it, she didn't think twice about opening the door and found her with her mom and the makeup artist. Pony. 

"Kuie-aH!" Sonagi waved at her as she enters the room. Kuie's jaw dropped about how beautiful Sonagi were. She's currently wearing Pony's makeup style and Pony herself is doing Sonagi's makeup. 

"Neo neomu yeppeo." She said. 

"Aigoo, don't say things like that." The woman said feeling flustered. Pony chuckled and admired how cute the two were. 

"You look good on your dress tho." Pony commented. 

"Thank you eonni." Kuie smiled. 

"Now, now, the wedding will start in an hour. Let's hurry Pony-ah, ara?" Sonagi's mom said with a sweet smile. 

"Ne ahjumma." 

Almost half an hour have passed, everything was done on Sonagi's hair and makeup. It is the time for her to wear her wedding gown. And once again, Kuie's jaw dropped. Pony really knows how to match the make up to the gown and also Sonagi's hair is not a tied into a bun, instead, it was a half-up style. And to think, Sonagi is just like going to a junior's prom. 

"Jihoon will be so stunned." Kuie said. 

"Oh he will be." Pony smirked and winked at Sonagi who's currently wearing her evil smile. Her mother was so stunned by now, and realized they need to leave. 

"You'll be staying for a while, yeah Pony eonni?" Sonagi asked her. 

"Yes I will, until it's all done. Good luck." 

• ❀ • ❀ • ❀ •    

"God I am so nervous." Jihoon sighed for the nth time while walking around the altar. The wedding will start in a few minutes and Hyungseob and Jinyoung was getting dizzy, watching him walking around in circles. 

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