thirty two

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"Let's date for real?! Let's date for real?!" Hyungseob exclaimed with his both hands grabbing his hair. (like what he did on the mirror ghost prank but he didn't scream.)

He was like a maniac in front of Sonagi and Jihoon. "Why don't you support us? I love your sister. Hehe." Jihoon smiled cheekily as he cling onto Sonagi's arm while leaning his head on her shoulder.

Sonagi removed his grip away from her and scoffed. "Don't be so clingy bro."

"I'm now your official boyfriend, babe."

"Don't ya babe me, want me to kill you?" Sonagi glared at him.

All of a sudden, Hyungseob suddenly grabbed Jihoon's collar with an angry glare. "What's your problem?!" Jihoon asked him, not knowing what was the lad's purpose.

"You punk!" He said. "You -- you better make a nice setting on asking her the question formally!" The Hyungseob let him go.

"I thought you're going to against it?" Jihoon said fixing his collar.

"Hyungseob-ah, you are free to kill Jihoon anytime." Sonagi winked before leaving the two. Hyungseob eyed Jihoon while the boy just shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"Heol." Youngmin said while ticking his tongue as he looked down on his phone.

"Is there a problem hyung?" Haknyeon who was sitting beside him, asked.

"Everything's fine." He said, then his head went to where Daniel and Hyungseob was. "Ya, Daniel, Hyungseob!"

"What, what, what?!" Daniel asked from the counter.

"Hyung that's my line." Samuel pouted while Daehwi was feeding him the cake.

"Please tell me why I am babysitting you?" Daehwi sighed.

"What is it bro?" Hyungseob asked.

"Seungwoo is coming over.." He said.

"What's the problem about that hyung." Jinyoung butted in.

"He's with Yoojin." Youngmin smirked.

"I'm going home." Hyungseob immediately grabbed his bag and rushed out of the cafe. "I'm not going to see that maniac!" He yelled. Daniel was about to follow him but Jihoon stopped him.

"You stay here hyung, you need to face the criticism of the earth." He said.

"Oh," Kuie said raising her hand while holding her phone.

"What is it babe?" Jinyoung asked peeking on her phone. Kuie flicked his forehead as the lad groaned in a little pain.

"Daniel oppa! Where's -- oh." Kuie said as she realized that Hyungseob is already gone. "I was about to tell that Yoojin eonni is coming with Seongwoo oppa and she's looking for Hyungseob."

"Ow, how's our heart man?" Guanlin asked.

"Shut up." Daniel said wanting to hit him.

"She also asked if you're doing fine." Kuie added still her eyes focused on the phone.

"Tell her, that he is fine and he misses her so much." Guanlin smirked and this time, Daniel hit him too hard on the arm.

"Ow." The younger one groaned.

"Kuie, please tell her that the cafe is close. She can come some other time." Daniel commanded.

"But she's already halfway -- "

"Just do it!"

"Okay fine gosh, calm down."

(Lay your hands on me 4x)

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