twenty nine

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"So you're the Park Jihoon that the Seon Miko dated?" Sonagi smirked with her arms crossed on her chest. Jihoon is biting his lower lip. What does she know?

"She wasn't a bitch, she's so kind -- "

"That's what you know." Sonagi cuts him off. They both sat across each other in that one table on Harry Pote's cafe.

Both she and Daehwi took a break while the others are doing their business. Meanwhile, Jinyoung is annoying Kuie yet he was flirting with her and the girl is blushing so hard. If Jeon Jungkook of BTS is the International Playboy, well Bae Jinyoung is our National Playboy.

"Then what do I don't know? I dated her and I'm quite close to her." The latter stated.

"Yes of course she was kind. But she made my brother assume, and Hyungseob is being stupid for loving her. She's just played with his heart before she dated you. Hyungseob was so much in love with that bitch but in the end she just hurt him." Sonagi balled her fist on the table. "I didn't like her ever since from the start because I can see it in her personality that she's no good for him. Yes, her innocent image. Very convincing, but behind it is a spoiled immature brat. She's rich, she's stupid, a hoe and a slut. Many boys are after her but she ended up making them assume. Including Hyungseob."

"She's not like that." Jihoon defended.

"Do you still have feelings for that bitch Jihoon? She's totally dumb as f*ck since she committed suicide because of you." Sonagi scoffed. "I didn't know she's that dumb." She added chuckling.

"I just wanna know why she died." Jihoon said softly.

"You don't remember anything don't you?" The girl asked him.

"Remember what?" The boy got curious as she sighed.

"3 years ago, I heard she's dating a guy named Park Jihoon. I didn't know you that time because I wasn't giving a shit about her life. I heard that she loves you so much and despite of your jerk personality on your past 2 exes, she ignored it. She rejected and made the boys assumed just because of you. But one day, she received a message with a picture attached on it. It was a girl and a boy making out on some bar and they're students here. I swear that the boy looks like you but I'm sure it wasn't you. I recalled the picture. It was saved on my phone from the school's group chat. The sender blackmailed her. It said; break up with Jihoon, he's cheating on you., you heartless bitch, playing innocent but it's totally not."

Jihoon shut up. He was speechless. Just because of that? "D-do you know who send the picture?"

Sonagi smirked again. "Simple, it was me."

Jihoon stood up harshly making the chair fall down on the marble floor, all eyes on their direction and Jihoon was so angry. "Look what have you done! Why did you do that?!"

"Chill, it was a joke. It wasn't me." Sonagi said giving him her eye smile.

"I'm bering serious here Sonagi, tell my everything and please don't lie!" He said picking up the chair and settled down again.

"I'm sorry but true, I wasn't the one who send it. Here.." The girl said giving him her phone with the screenshot of the groupchat three years ago. It wasn't Sonagi's name, it was another student.

"Who is this?" He asked her.

"That girl transferred after Miko committed suicide. Before she transferred, she spread the news telling you were the one to blame. Miko told everything to Hyungseob before she died using the chat box. She said it was all you, the girl believed the sender and then poof! She went suicide, leaving you guilty and Hyungseob being pissed off with you. He's telling me to avoid you and never have feelings for you so I did. But now, I don't think so.. I know you're something different far from the Park Jihoon that I knew in the past three years."

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