twenty six

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"What the heck are you doing here?" Asked Daniel to the shameless boy who just arrived. 

"Why, am I not allowed to be here?" Seongwoo said in a sassy tone. Daniel was about to hit him again but he just sighed. "Aish, seolma." 

"Just damn." Daniel scoffed. 

"I just miss ya bro." The latter said and was ready to hug Daniel, but he pushed him away. "Neomu hae." The boy pouted. 

"I was expecting you to come with Woojin." Daniel said. 

"He's busy. I'll get him some other time." 

"I miss the kid, ya know?" Daniel added pretended to cry. Seongwoo just hugged his dongsaeng and patted his back. The others seem disgusted, especially Guanlin. 

"Ya hoes, stop being in a drama scene." Guanlin said sticking out his tongue earning a smack from Jinyoung. 

"Who taught you that word?" Jinyoung asked. 

"I hear it from my classmates." The swaggy rapper replied. 

"What's a hoe?" Kuie asked the both of them innocently. 

"It's Seonhoe." Guanlin snickered, making Jinyoung smacked him again. "Noona, you're pretty innocent. Ignore what have I said. It's great to keep your innocent image." He added patting her shoulder. 

"Ya, Daniel! I'm gonna go first, my mom just called." Youngmin announced. 

"I better go too hyung! I have practice." Haknyeon added. 

"Be careful, I'll see you tomorrow." Daniel waved. 

The two boys left the cafe and there lies Jihoon, being alone in the table. He just put his earphones on and listen to some random songs. He tried to take a nap for a short time while waiting for the Harry Pote's cafe to close. 

Daehwi noticed that Sonagi is so sleep while she's counting the plastic cups for the drinks. She was slowly dozing off and keeps on yawning. He decided to walk towards her and tapped her shoulder. 

"Noona, you can sleep. I'll take care of it." Daehwi smiled. Sonagi looked at him feeling drowsy and shook her head. 

"No, no. I'm okay." The girl smiled and yawned again. Daehwi shook his head and held her hand to stop her. 

"No, noona. You better sleep." He added gently pushing her towards Jihoon's table. 

"I'm really okay." Then she yawns again. Slowly drifting to sleep with Jihoon. Daehwi did it on purpose to place her there, he just patted her head and walked back to his work. 

"You sly boy." Seongwoo commented and Daehwi just pressed his index finger on his lips and winked. 

All eyes looked at Jihoon and Sonagi who was sitting next to each other. Jihoon's face was facing right while Sonagi's face was facing left. In short, they're sleeping while their faces are facing each other. Jihoon can still feel what's happening around but totally ignoring them, and for the girl, she really fell into deep sleep. 

"Aigoo, why am I still jealous?" Jinyoung pouted making Kuie looked at him. 

"Because you still like her? It's not easy to move on bro." The girl said patting his back hard. "Stop saying, I'm going to date Kuie." She added imitating the boy's voice. Jinyoung just glared at her and she's giving him an evil grin. 

"Stop that or else I'll kiss you." The boy threatened. Kuie flicked his forehead making him groaned. 

"Try to do it because I'm gonna punch you really hard." She said cracking her knuckles already. 

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