twenty two

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"Hey, Sonagi!" Jinyoung called her at the moment he saw her walking alone in the hallway. 

"What's up nincompoop?" She teased. 

"You wouldn't believe this." He said excitedly. 

"Just tell me tho." 

"Did you know that Daniel hyung has a sister?" Sonagi immediately got interested and shocked.

"Jinjja?" Jinyoung nodded seriously. 

"I met her yesterday together with hyung's mom. They paid me a visit last night. And she's younger than us!" The boy explained. 

"Oh, how old is she?" 

"She said she's turning 18 on December. And lemme tell ya, she's pretty and interesting girl. Just like you, she loves dancing." Jinyoung was so happy to tell her but deep inside the girl, she felt a little bit jealous. 

author: that's it, hihihi. my plan is slowly climbing to success.  

"What's her name?" 

"Kuie Kang, she's from Hanlim University." Sonagi's jaw dropped upon hearing the name. She know this girl somehow. It's her opponent in a dance competition a few years ago. And sadly, that girl won and Sonagi was the in the second place. 

"She's sure love dancing tho." 

Jinyoung crossed his arms on his chest and gave Sonagi a teasing smile. He nudged her shoulder using his forearm, making the girl glare at him. 

"You're jealous aren't you?" He asked. She scoffed and chuckled. 

"Jealous? I'm not." She insisted. 

"Tsk, tsk. I know you girl. C'mon." He laughed. "Don't be jealous, I just made a new friend." Sonagi flicked Jinyoung's forehead making the latter flinched in pain. "Aish!" 

"I'm not jealous okay? I wouldn't mind about you having a new girl friend. It just shows that, you're socializing skills is improving and heol, who am I to get jealous? I'm not your girlfriend." 

"Aigoo. You're jealous obviously." Jinyoung teased again. Sonagi was about to hit him when an outsider was walking in the hallway not sure where she's going. 

People started to whisper with each other about the girl. She wasn't wearing the same uniform as them. But her uniform says, she's from a famous school. 

"She's from Hanlim." A girl said, earning Jinyoung and Sonagi's attention. 

"Kuie?" Jinyoung called making Sonagi's eyes widened. 

"Jinyoung!" The girl waved as she walked towards them. Jinyoung gave her a bright smile and welcomed her with a fist bump. 

"I can tell you grew pretty close even tho you just met." Sonagi said. Kuie quickly looked at her as a smirked formed on her face. She remembered how competitive this girl was during that competition. 

"Yoon Sonagi, long time no see." She greeted. 

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Jinyoung asked as the two girls nodded. 

"She won the first place to the dance contest." Sonagi answered. 

"And you got the second place." Kuie continued. Sonagi smirked at the moment, but shrugged it off. "Anyways, it was in the past. How have you been?" 

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?" Sonagi asked. 

"Daniel called me to come over and I am freaking lost. Help me." Kuie said grabbing Sonagi's arm. 

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