twenty three

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The morning welcomed her as she walked out of the house gate with Hyungseob. Jinyoung happened to walk pass through them with his eyes on his phone. He is currently chatting with Kuie. 

"Hey Jinyoung!" Hyungseob called. 

"Hey hyung!" Jinyoung said as he walked away. 

Sonagi was left dumbfounded. Did he not see me?

At first she shrugged it off and went to chase him but he ignores her again and during the whole morning. Jinyoung didn't even budge to look at her nor talk to her. His eyes is focused on his phone and loving his conversation with Kuie. 

The girl has no class, she is currently taking care of her school papers of transfer so that she can be settled next week. 

And as the hours passed, morning classes were done. Still Jinyoung didn't went to Sonagi and just like that, he left the classroom. 

"He is acting different." Daehwi told Sonagi. 

"He's mad at me." Sonagi sighed. 

"You guys wanna talk about it?" Haknyeon butted in. 

"Hey, wanna eat lunch with us, love?" Jihoon offered. 

"I don't have the appetite to eat. I'll be in my locker." Sonagi answered in her monotonous voice and left the classroom as well. 

It was Friday lunch break and the heels of the annoying woman echoed in the hallway. She was walking like a model but the attitude opposites. A bitch and she's looking for the girl who stole her dear Jihoon's heart. 

Her eyes landed on the girl who was organizing her locker and smirked. She walked towards her and spun her around. 

"What the f -- Hanyeol?!" She exclaimed. 

"I know you that you know that the engagement is still going on. Break up with Jihoon and you'll be fine." Hanyeol said patting her head. Sonagi pushed her away and scoffed. 

"What if I won't?" She said crossing her arms on her chest. "He doesn't want this arrangement you know? His mother feels the same too. They don't want you. Why are you still pushing yourself onto something that you don't deserve?" 

Jihoon was walking alone and his eyes glued on the two familiar girls arguing. A hand landed on Sonagi's cheeks making the boy got alarmed. 

"Ya!" He scolded. 

"What the hell is your problem?!" Sonagi yelled at her. 

"You! You are my problem! If you didn't have a relationship with Jihoon right now, I wouldn't have slap you like this!" Hanyeol yelled back. 

Jihoon came into the scene and pushed Hanyeol away. "Stop it woman!" 

"No! Why don't you just marry me and everything will be settled.!" 

"I told you this before! I have no plans on marrying you. My mom doesn't want this too and she wants to end this arrangement for good! Let me be, I love Sonagi and you don't have anything to do about it!" 

And as of that, Jihoon closed Sonagi's locker and grabbed her hand, dragging her with him far from Hanyeol. 

And as for Hanyeol, she stomped her feet in frustration and groaned. She just left the hallway with grabbing her phone on her handbag and call her mom. 

Meanwhile, Jihoon and Sonagi reached the rooftop and there Jihoon closed the door. Sonagi was slowly tearing up from the fact that her cheek hurts and also, Jinyoung is ignoring her. She sat on the floor and started to cry, and there's Jihoon who's being worried. 

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