thirty seven

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There were two buses parked in front of the school gates. The winners from yesterday were already packed and ready to go to Busan to have a 3 days vacation. And to enjoy the whole weekend, the boys invited Sonagi and Kuie. Good thing the dean allowed them and so with Seongwoo's sister. Yoojin.

"Do we really have to go with you guys?" Kuie asked Jinyoung who's currently taking the steps of the bus' stairs, with her following him. 

The Hands On Me group will be using the first bus while the Super Hot will be on the second bus. Sonagi was still outside talking to Daehwi, Samuel and Hyungseob. 

"Yes you do, the dean allowed you right?" He told her. 

"Wouldn't be a little awkward since most of you are boys and, me and Sonagi are the only girls." Kuie said in a worried tone. 

"Wait, I thought Yoojin noona will come?" He asked her. Kuie's mouth formed the 'oh' shape and nodded. 

"Yeah, she will. But she said she'll be right there, in that resort, waiting for us. Since, she's not studying in this school, only Seongwoo oppa." Kuie stated as she took the seat near the window. 

"We'll see her when we get there, and hey, I'm planning to sit on that seat,." He pouted but Kuie just scoffed. 

"You can take the seat behind me., I love staying beside the window." The girl said sticking out her tongue. Jinyoung rolled his eyes and stubbornly sat beside the girl. "I thought you're -- " 

"Is it bad to sit beside you?" Then it made her shut up. "Let me sleep, Busan is hours away from Seoul." And with that, he plugged his earphones on and land his head on the girl's shoulder. Kuie scoffed flicked his forehead but the lad didn't budge to move. 

"How sweet, what the hell." Jisung scoffed who was sitting on their left side. 

"If you're being bitter, please don't look." Kuie sniffed. 

"I can't help but look, we're just sitting beside each other." The meme guy added. 

"Then sleep, please." 

• ❀ • ❀ • ❀ • 

"The bus will be leaving in 5 minutes, are you sure that everyone's here?" Jonghyun asked Sonagi who's currently tying up her shoes. 

"The first bus is already packed, I guess we're all set." She answered not looking at him. And when she's done, she saw that Jonghyun was gone. "Nice, he left me hanging." 

"Hey noona,  ." Someone called her, when she saw Daehwi walking down on the bus. 

"Yes my dear?" 

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