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"I'm sorry.." Jihoon said as he realized he was hugging her more than a minute. He released her from the hug and secretly blushing. Rubbing his nape, he was embarrassed. 

"It's okay. Are you feeling better now?" The girl asked him as he turned his back and went to his balcony, trying to hide her crimson cheeks. 

"I'm fine, I guess." He said. 

"Well, you really don't have to marry Hanyeol in the first place tho. It's bad to force a person who doesn't want to do a thing, unless it's his own will." She said following him on the said place. His fingers gripped on the rails feeling the night air. 

"But mom would definitely do it." He sighed heavily. Sonagi nodded gently as she tapped his shoulder making him craned his neck to face the young lady whom he dragged to his plan. He felt sorry and guilty. He is quite embarrass to her since, he just met this girl a few days ago and now, it's his pretend girlfriend?

Real quick. 

"I can talk to your mom if you'd like. I'm already part of this plan so I don't have a choice but to help you." 

Jihoon bit his lower lip and let out a scoff. She's very kind. 

"You know what, I think I can tell why Jinyoung likes you." He said, Sonagi's heart skipped a beat and look at him with curious eyes. She scoffed at his statement and thought about Jinyoung liking her. 

"How did you know he likes me?" She asked. 

"Well, I'm a guy. I can feel it from him. The way he stare at you, the way he gets jealous whenever I'm around. Something like that,." Sonagi just laughed but he was indeed serious. "Perhaps, do you like him too?" 

"Uhm. He is a very kind and annoying neighbor. We're friends since we were kids and there's no awkward things that are happening around us. But if we put in this situation, me liking him? It's possible. I like him, but not the way you see it." The girl explains. If Jinyoung could ever hear this statement, might as well it will make his heart crash. But you can force someone to like you back right? It will come to right person who would like you the way you wanted. 

"I see." The latter answered. 

"Jinyoung is my company whenever Hyungseob's not around. I'm quite comfortable with him. Maybe if Cupid would come and hit me with his arrow, I'll choose to love Jinyoung." She smiled sweetly. And for the moment Jihoon realized, he felt down. But he hid it behind his smile. 

"He'll love to hear your response. But hey, is it possible for you to like -- " He was cut off when Sonagi's phone ring inside her pocket preventing her not to hear Jihoon's word. "-- me?" He whispered. 

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