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Jihoon rubbed his cheek where Sonagi had slapped him. He keeps on glaring at Jinyoung who's currently walking in circles inside their room. Hyungseob kept on smirking. 

"I heard what happened, does it hurts?" He asked Jihoon. 

"If you could just see how angry she was." Jihoon whimpered. "Damn it Jinyoung, if i ain't in love with Sonagi I wouldn't have did this. It was damn hurts. Why did you even come up with this plan?!" The boy raged. 

"Hyung chill, it's how Sonagi wanted it." Jinyoung reassured. 

"How did you know?" Jihoon asked still not removing his hand on his cheek. It was red as a tomato and Daehwi had to borrow some ice bag from the resort staff. "And where is Daehwi?" 

"She once told me about her ideal proposal tho." Hyungseob butted in making the two looked at him. 

"Say." Jihoon said, Jinyoung sat down on the bed across where Jihoon and Hyungseob were sitting on. 

"She wanted her 'future' boyfriend to propose in her ideal type of way like, where the boy makes her angry and then prepared something special for his proposal to earn her back. Like that, Jinyoung is just following her orders." Hyungseob added. Jihoon looked at Jinyoung who just shrugged his shoulders at him, then there, Daehwi just arrived. 

"What took you so long?" Asked the latter as Daehwi handed him the ice bag. 

"I happened to bumped onto Sonagi noona, she's crying." Daehwi said, sitting beside Jinyoung. 

Jihoon let out a very heavy sigh and placed the ice bag on his cheek. "You know that I'm practically doomed."

"Bro, it's okay. My plan will surely work." Jinyoung said with a hint of motivation in his sentence. 

"Yes it will, but I didn't expect she'll slap me like this!" 

"Aish jinjja, just be ready. It'll happen tonight. She'll surely forgive you." 

Meanwhile, on the beach..

"Damn I will never forgive that punk!" Sonagi cried as she walked harshly on the sand with Kuie and Yoojin tailing her. 

"Sonagi relax, he's just -- " 

"Relax?! How can I relax! He just called me a bitch! Well I knew I am but bro!" She exclaimed kicking the sand off her feet, but she didn't notice that there's a rock that made her slip, hitting her ankle and got wounded. "Oh, crap. This hurts more." 

Kuie and Yoojin immediately helped her up because she's lying on the sand like what Jinyoung did. It made Kuie chuckle for some reason. "We both slipped into the same rock. We're victims." 

"Sonagi-ah, it's bleeding." Yoojin said noticing the blood dripping. 

"Aigoo." Sonagi pouted. 

"Let's get you to our room." The older girl added and assisted the injured girl. Sonagi looked down on her wounded ankle while the two other girls were winking at each other. 

"The plan's working." Yoojin mouthed. 

"Can't wait for later." Kuie winked, earning Sonagi's attention. 

"What's gonna happen later?" She asked making their eyes widened. 

"Uhm, nothing tho." Yoojin chuckled nervously. 

Sonagi and Kuie was left inside their room, Yoojin went out to get the first aid but before she could go to the information desk, to ask, she happens to walk by on Jihoon's room which he shared with Jinyoung. She knocked twice and Hyungseob went to get it. 

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