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"I have an announcement." Daniel exclaimed wrapping his arms around Hyungseob and Sonagi. 

"What?, Omo.." Hyungseob said immediately noticing what was the intriguing news. 

"I dyed my hair!" The latter said cheekily making Sonagi grabbed her phone, opening the camera app. 

"Don't move, and smile." She told him. Daniel strike for a pose as Sonagi took a snap. "Okay another one." 

Daniel keeps on trying different poses as if he was in a photoshoot and there's Sonagi pretending to be his professional photographer. Hyungseob was just an audience. 

Students looked at them like they were like weird people came from the other side of the universe, the others find it humorous.

"I'm so done with this people." Both Daniel and Sonagi didn't notice Hyungseob left. But then, the photo shoot wasn't done and there lies 50 plus pictures of Daniel of Sonagi's phone. 

"Oh my, a photoshoot? Lemme in!" Daehwi who just got in, joined. 

"Strike a beautiful pose please." Sonagi nagged, Jinyoung and Gualin took their phones too and set up some flashlights and pretend that there is a great photoshoot happening in the middle of the hallway. 

Meanwhile, Jihoon and Samuel just arrived in front of the school. But then, there's Hanyeol. 

"Jihoonie!" She said with a goofy grin, clinging onto his arms. Samuel gave Jihoon a questioning look. 

"She's crazy, ignore her." Jihoon said. 

"Jihoonie, let's go together." Hanyeol added leaning onto his shoulders. Jihoon wanted to push her away but since she's a girl and he highly respects woman, he just let him. But deep inside him, he wanna puke. 

"Oh jeez. I better go hyung. That girl irritates me." Samuel said whispering the last line and rushing out. 

"Ya! Kim Samuel!" Jihoon called out but too late, he was already gone and happened to stumble the endless photoshoot. 

"Oi, Samuel!" Daehwi greeted cutting the commission off. All of them stop for being stupid and for clogging the way. 

"Jihoon hyung's here." He informed. "Worse, the crazy woman is with her." 

"Crazy woman?" Sonagi asked them innocently. 

"Choi Hanyeol." (CHanyeol XD)

"I don't know her anyways, I'm gonna go. Let's go Jinyoung! Daehwi." Sonagi said giving them the no-sign-of-interest look. 

"Wait, Jihoon is in your class. Why don't you go all together?" Daniel asked her. 

"He looks like he have company." Sonagi said pouting her lips to point the new boy with the unknown clingy girl. 

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