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The ring of the bell startled all the students in every classroom. Smiles of victory was plastered on their faces as the pack their things. Teachers who are in the middle of the discussion just gave them a heavy sigh of defeat. It's dismissal time, alright. 

"See you tomorrow." That was all they heard before the teacher left the room. 

Students began wild, the noise was getting louder and louder as each of them gets out of the prison, the classroom. Well, they call the school hell. Hmm, who doesn't?

She made her way out of the school in a hurry. Her work was waiting for her. Her eyes take glances on her black wristwatch as she go thinking she's late. She was running through the crowd of students until she made it onto the gate and finally free from hell. 

She took the direction where her work was and ran away. Meanwhile, a boy who seemed around her age was walking on her direction looking at his phone. He never knew what will he encounter in the street until she bumped onto him, making her tripped. 

The boy fell backwards dropping his phone on the cold cemented ground while she was laying on her stomach. His eyes landed to the girl who bumped him but she immediately stood up. 

"I'm sorry." And in the blink of his eye, she ran away. 

"Hey! It's a bit rude to leave your victim here!" He yelled but she didn't able to hear it, for she was already far. Almost disappearing on his sight. 

He just stood up and picked his poor phone off the ground. He dusted himself as he straightened his jacket. He watched her disappeared and turned around, feeling a little bit of annoyance. But since she is a girl, he will practically ignored it. 

"It's just an accident, anyways." He murmured to himself. 

He was about to leave when something caught his attention. He bends down to see what was that strange liquid on the ground. 

"Blood?" He asked himself. "Did she hurt herself?" 

He stood up straight and was about to chase her but too bad she was already gone. He just left shrugging his shoulders and went inside the school, in the late afternoon. 

She stopped running in front of the cafe where her work lays. She took a step on the small stairs and immediately noticed that something was wrong on her left knee. At first she didn't mind the wound, she walked into the cafe without hesitation. 

And as her eyes landed on the two people who was talking on the counter and immediately greeted them. 

"Hey guys." She smiled.

"Holy Kang Daniel's pink hair!" 

"What's with my hair?" The pink haired dude asked. 

"Sonagi are you alright?!" The other guy asked as he walked out of the counter and noticed her bleeding knee. 

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