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She blushed at the moment when he touched her lips. But she quickly leaned away and turned around. She stood up from the bench and ran away from the arcade, leaving Jihoon dumbfounded. He ran after her to apologize but she was gone, too quickly. 

"Damn it." He said stomping his feet on the cemented street. But he never hold himself to smile. His finger reached his lips and chuckled. "At least, that wasn't so bad." 

He walked on the opposite direction where he lost her and go home with smile plastered on his face. People who encountered him gave him a smile too, thinking that he was just too happy to smile at everyone. 

In the girl's case, she stopped in a small alley and turned her head behind her. Sighing in relief, she held her chest to inhale. "Damn.." She said when she touched her lips. "What the hell just happened?" 

She sighed harshly and walked home. She was staring blankly at nothing and managed to go home safely. Hyungseob happened to open the gates since he just got home and Jinyoung was with him too. 

Jinyoung first saw Sonagi walking like a person who's not in its right mind. He nudged Hyungseob and pointed her using his lips. Hyungseob turned to face his sister who's not in herself and approached her as he held her both shoulders. 

"Ya." He said trying to wake her up. 

"Sonagi, are you okay?" Jinyoung butted in flicking her forehead. 

"I am being fucked up." She murmured and shrugged Hyungseob's grip off. She barely walked inside the house leaving the both boys dumbfounded. 

"Can I talk to her?" Jinyoung asked his hyung. 

"I guess she really needs that." He replied. The both of them walked inside the house and there's Sonagi who just shut her door close. 

The two boys ran upstairs and Hyungseob went to his room while Jinyoung knocked on Sonagi's door. He didn't wait for her to say something and went to enter the private place. And there's Sonagi sitting on the floor hugging her knees, with her back leaning on the frame of her bed. Staring blankly at nothing, again.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat beside her. 

"What's the feeling about your first kiss being stole?" She asked him not knowing what she's doing. Jinyoung gulped and chuckled nervously. 

"I don't know, I never had it." He said. 

"Well.." Her expression changed into an angry girl. She grabbed Jinyoung's collar and pulled him closer to her. Their face were inched apart and there she started ranting. "You boys really like to steal something from us girls!!" She exclaimed. 

Jinyoung was shocked about her sudden actions. He is being choked by her as his hands held hers to prevent him from choking. 

"Let go of me." He coughed. Hyungseob who was done changing his clothes, immediately ran inside her room to see what was going on. And there he witness Sonagi choking Jinyoung. 

"What the hell?! Sonagi let go of him!" Hyungseob said. 

The girl let of Jinyoung making him stumble on the floor. She went back on her earlier position and sulked. That first kiss was suppose to be for Jinyoung. She thought. 

"That hurts, I just suffered my near death." Jinyoung said rubbing his neck. 

"What happened to you?" Hyungseob asked. 

"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung." She cried as her tears flow down on her cheeks. Jinyoung got alarmed about what the girl is talking about so he fixed himself and sat in front of her with her brother. 

"What was for me?" He asked. 

"Why do you boys like to steal kisses?!" She exclaimed and immediately realizing what she just said. She covered her mouth in a rush. Hyungseob's eyes widened and so did Jinyoung. 

"Steal what?!" Jinyoung asked. 

"Who stole your first kiss?!" Hyungseob raged. 

"So your first kiss was suppose to be me? Damn who stole it?!" Jinyoung said he was about to celebrate the victory and wanted to blush so damn hard when he realized, it was stolen. 

As for Sonagi who is still covering her mouth, she doesn't want to talk about it. Hyungseob will get mad if he knew, it was Jihoon. She put her hand down for a second and say, "His name has a letter I on it." Then she covered back her mouth. 



"It's impossible for Daehwi to do that." 

"Oh right." 


"Heol, he is here." 



"Well I guess you should find it yourself." The girl said leaving the two boys inside her room. 

Jinyoung and Hyungseob stared at each other and sighed. "Where all together earlier and only Jihoon isn't with us. He's with Sonagi." Hyungseob said recalling the events. Jinyoung and Hyungseob's eyes widened and pointed each other. 


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"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung."  

"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung."  

"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung."  

"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung."  

So supposedly, I'm the one who's gonna receive her first kiss but damn that boy. I'm jealous af. But I'm curious, if ever I met that stupid boy who stole it.. I'm gonna ask how does it feel kissing her. 

What the fuck, Jinyoung you have no time for that foolishness. Forget about the kiss. The important thing is, you should get Sonagi and push all the things blocking your way. So simple. 

But I'm still not the first.. 

"That was suppose to be for Jinyoung."  

She just said it was suppose to be me. So here's my hypothesis, if that was for me then.. she likes me. 

She likes me.. 


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