Double Journey Chapter 34

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Gold and Amethyst danced vivaciously. Gold wiggled his eyebrows and Amethyst rolled her eyes. "Too much punch?" She snorted.

"You know it." He chuckled,grasping her hand and twirling her like spaghetti.

"Hey!! Goldeen!! Slow it down, I'm gonna be sick!" She joked, as they stopped twirling.

"Listen, Gold, you have to look out for Diamond." Her face was suddenly serious. "Without Blaziken, it'll be pretty hard for her. Be the fruity asshole she loves you for or I'll hit you."

Gold was taken aback at her language. "how dare you call me fruity!"

Amethyst punched his arm. "I saw you practicing your make outs on a cantelope. If that's not fruity, I don't know what is."


Amethyst and Silver felt as though the space inbetween them was charged with energy.

"How are you holding up?" She shouted over the music.

"Feeling like shit. You?" Silver asked curtly.

"Wow, Silvy, language." Amethyst waggled a finger at him, then booped his nose. He dodged around her and pecked her cheek.

"You smooth criminal." Amethyst smirked.

"At least I'm not as bad at flirting as Diamond. She wouldn't know a proper flirt if it danced in front of her." Silver remarked as he dipped her.

"But we all know I'm the real master." She giggled as he held her close and then twirled her.

"Pfft, as if." He smirked as they spun around eachother.

"Silver, you're a really good dancer." Amethyst was out of breath and struggling to keep up with him.

"Blue taught me a thing or two." He muttered. "Like when to stop if you're tired."


Amethyst and Red bundled into the photo booth, laughing as she tripped into his lap and stared up at him.

"Redredredredredredredredred can we do sloppy make outs please?"

"Sure sure." Red chuckled, "You must really love me if you want to do-" he held his breath dramatically. "Sloppy makeouts." He ended in a deep voice.

"I love you more than Arceus!" She said playfully, draping her arms around his neck. Red pulled her up to him and placed his lips on hers. Automatically their tongues began to fight for dominance, and his won, of course. As Red's tongue explored its new territory, she bit his lip gently and attacked again with her own tongue. When they broke off, a trail of saliva dipped from their lips, and their eyes sparked.


"Cmon. It's time for the Eevee king and queen to be announced." Red smiled, and led her by the hand to the ceremony.


"And the Eevee Queen is..." Green boomed. "Diamond Pleachfern's Glaceon!!!!" Amethyst glanced at Diamond and her dissheveled hair. She didn't want to go up onstage, so she just sent Glaceon up.

"C'mon up, ya pussy." Silver catcalled, and Diamond blushed red before darting onstage, getting her prize and ditching embarrasedly.

"Eevee King is...Amethyst Blackthorn's Arcanine!" Amethyst and Arcanine dashed upstage to grab her prize. Arcanine let out a triumphant howl. The night had ended well.

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