Double Journey Chapter 8

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When Amethyst woke up, she was back in the cruise ship. But instead of their usual room, she was in a large one with many beds. She could feel Magma next to her, and she could see Red at the edge of the bed.

"Finally, you're awake!" She heard Red say.

"Yeah, I am." Amethyst grinned as Magma got up to see her.

Then suddenly she remembered-!

"Salamence...Aggron...are they okay?" She began to rise out of bed, only to be stopped by Red. "Yeah. Lyra, Gold and Diamond are taking care of them."

She nodded in satisfaction. "Lets get out of here, I'm starving."


"You're awake!" Diamond greeted Amethyst and Red at the door. "Come on, Silver's asleep, he'll be excited when he finds out you're awake."

Diamond led her into the room. Magma ran off to go sit by Blaziken.

"Silverrrr." Amethyst shook him. He cringed in his sleep. Then she poked her rival, and he jolted awake, relaxing again when he saw her. "You're here!" He said. She nodded, turning around to see Lyra petting Salamence, her chocolate brown eyes still looking for any wounds. Gold leaned on Aggron. Both the Pokemon noticed her and let out happy cries, and she ran towards them. Salamence nuzzled her, and she hugged him. "Thanks, Lyra, he looks great!"

Lyra nodded.

Then Amethyst ran over to hug Aggron, who smiled. "I'm so happy you guys are alright," she said.

"They were worried about you," said Gold. "We all were."

"Pshhh, I'm fine. Lets go get breakfast at the cruise cafe."


In the café, Amethyst stuck next to Salamence and Magma, and they walked over to get some eggs and pancakes. "Hey!" She heard a voice and turned around. A large man with money jangling in his pockets walked up.

Salamence snarled and Magma stood in front of his trainer. "What?" Amethyst asked.

"That's my Salamence. Give him back, theif." The man stepped closer, but Magma wouldn't have that. The large pokemon stood on his hind legs and blocked the man, allowing Amethyst to speak. "Sir, this poor Salamence was being whipped by a member of team Magma. I saved its life. And you let it roam a cruise ship, resulting in it being lost!!"

"Well, I was lending the man my Aggron and Salamence to give power. They're battling machines anyway!" The guy laughed. "How bout a double battle for who gets to keep the lot.

Me and Raoul" he pointed to another man behind him-"Versus you and one of your cronies."

At that moment, Silver walked up, his fists balled. "Leave her alone." He snapped. "We'll battle, and the winner gets Salamence and Aggron!" Salamence stood beside Amethyst, tail lashing. "I'll win for ya, bud." Amethyst promised. He smiled.

Then she looked back at the man. "Let me eat first, and we'll meet you on the ship's battlefield.

Amethyst and Silver ate in silence. The group had been prepping them.

"Don't let them get Salamence," Lyra said quietly, her Marill comforting her.

Amethyst and Silver nodded. "We won't."

At about 9:15 Silver and Amethyst walked down to the on ship battlefield.

Raoul and fat man stood there, tossing pokeballs intimidatingly. Behind her, Magma's flare came out and he dropped to four paws.

Silver stood beside her, clutching a Pokéball.

Raoul grinned. "Okays, Hypno, get out here!" He threw out his Hypno, which smirked.

Amethyst and Silver exchanged a glance.

"Weavile, go." Silver flicked his wrist and Weavile slid onto the field..

"Go, Grovyle." The man said, throwing out a green grass type lizard pokemon. Amethyst pointed to the battlefield. "Fire Blast, Magma." The Typhlosion roared, breathing out a star of fire. It was a direct hit on the grass pokemon,

Who shook it off. "Leaf blade!" Grovyle came towards Magma with a blade extended on his wrist. Magma couldn't dodge...

"Weavile! Ice punch!" Weavile came towards them, knocking Grovyle roughly away.


Hypnosis!" The pokemon swung a pendulum.

"Magma, no! Begin to run around! And use Giga Impact on Hypno!" He Typhlosion shook his head clear and ran at Hypno, the attack knocking Hypno out and leaving Magma winded on the ground.

Weavile, however, had fallen asleep. Silver took him back and sent out Feraligatr.

When Feraligatr came out, he and Magma exchanged a smirk. Together, they could wreck nearly any opponent.

"Grovyle, solar beam!" Grovyle began to take in light.

"Feraligatr! Ice Fang!"

Silver commanded. "Ferali!!" Feraligatr snapped Grovyle between its jaws, thrashing its head.

"Magma! Help out by using Lava Plume!"

Magma ran towards Grovyle, hitting it and exploding in flame. Grovyle fainted.

Raoul and The man sunk to the ground, cursing. They had lost the match, and their Pokemon.

Amethyst cheered and hugged Magma, muffling her screams of joy into his fur. She would keep the Pokémon!

She saw Silver walk up to Feraligatr and pat him on the nose. He licked his trainers cheek.

"Why you little brat!" Raoul snapped, walking towards them, fist clenched. Magma stepped in front of Amethyst, opening his mouth to reveal a faint firelight in the back if his throat. Raoul stepped back and ran, grabbing the other guy.

They couldn't handle Magma's heat.

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