Double Journey Chapter 22

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"Eat this." Green slid a giant pancake onto her plate and hugged her. Amethyst was having a good morning. She got up and released Salamence and Arcanine. "Morning, guys." She smiled at them. "Wow," Sapphire and Wally said in unison.

Ruby was chatting with Diamond, and they laughed and smiled. Amethyst turned and found herself staring into Red eyes.

"Amethyst?" He cleared his throat.

"Yeah?" Amethyst felt a blush spread across her cheeks at him being so close.

"Would you...uh...consider beingmygirlfriend??" He held his breath.

Amethyst's whole face was Cherrim-red now. "Yes. Yes I would." She hugged him tight and kissed him for what felt like days. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." Red smiled. Amethyst felt so happy. To the point where she was hyper. She reached up, pulled his hat down over his eyes, and ran off, giggling.

Silver stood up as she past, forcing her to bump into him. He clenched and unclenched his fists. "DERP!" Amethyst said randomly. She just felt so happy...

Silver's POV

Silver couldn't believe what had just happened right in front of him. Red asked out Amethyst and she said yes. If he had broken up with Harper and asked Amethyst, maybe she would've said yes to him...

He found himself breathing heavily, like he did when he was angry. Why did he feel like this...? he had Harper, but it felt like she didn't want him for who he felt like he was restrained from being who was inside. Behind the tough, jagged skin there was a giggling child, cracking more jokes than Gold. But he kept it all inside his head. Harper wouldn't love him anymore. She loved him for the rough exterior, the protector. Silver wanted to be a protector. But he wanted to be himself, too. And now that he had betrayed Amethyst for Harper, he felt like that chance had blown away in the wind, like many dreams he had had as a child taken by Brycen. He ached for someone to talk to...


Amethyst's POV

Amethyst sat with Red in the lobby. Magma, Salamence, and Thunder were all playing happily. Suddenly Silvy the Zoroark raced up, Lyra behind her. "Silvy! I'm not done with that braid!" She called anxiously. The Zoroark stopped and slunk back over to Lyra.

Silver's Weavile sat in his lap. Amethyst watched him pat her as she smiled and made purring sounds.

"Diamond?" A deep voice called out. A large man in red Magma Attire stood there.

Amethyst and Lynn readied themselves for a fight, Arcanine leapt in front of Amethyst, growling.

"D-Dad?" there was fear in Diamond's voice.

Amethyst and Lynn relaxed a little, but their fists were still clenched and there eyes were sharp.

"Dad...I...No! I don't want to go!" Diamond wailed upsetly.

"You're coming. Now." He grabbed Diamonds wrist and pulled her off. Ruby ran after her, but Amethyst knew it was a lost cause.

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