Double Journey Chapter 18

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Amethyst felt her heart slide up her throat. Silver and Harper were making out, and Silver was totally into it.

Beside her, Diamond's jaw dropped.

"What in the Distortion World?" Amethyst yelled, standing up. It made her lungs hurt but oh well.

"What?" Harper called. "Isn't this what boyfriend and girlfriend do?"

Amethyst's eyes widened. "Silver..." she trailed off. Then her eyes ignited as she screamed, "I bet you loved it when I was dead!"


Amethyst was running back to the hospital, grinning ear to ear. Behind her, the sickly Wally jogged. Amethyst dashed inside. What greeted her was a 6'4" orange dog pokemon with a scratch over one misty blue eye. "Arcanine!!" Amethyst screeched, flinging herself onto the dog Pokemon. Behind her, Wally laughed as Arcanine licked his forehead.

"Careful," Joy said. "He's blind in one eye." She handed Amethyst a Pokéball and she put Arcanine inside of it. Then they ran back to the rest of the group, who were waiting at the beach for their last beach day.

Amethyst completely ignored Silver as she let out all of her Pokemon and dove into the water. The girl Sapphire jumped in after her, and they laughed as Sapphire's Lanturn swam in circles around them.

"Gotcha!!" Amethyst shouted as Lanturn sprayed Diamond's phone with water. Diamond screamed and jumped into Gold's arms, and Amethyst and Sapphire cracked up.

Salamence and Pearl were swimming together underneath them, and Lucky was snoozing on the warm sand. Magma and Arcanine were avoiding the water on a ducklett beach blanket.

Green and Lyra leapt into the water together. Or, she thought that was Green. It turned back into Zoroark before they hit the water, and the look on Lyra's face was priceless.


Amethyst jumped onto the boat. Sapphire, Ruby, and Wally were coming on the journey with them, so yep, off to the next town. Behind Amethyst, Magma was running to catch up. The group ordered a room for all of them, one of the huge seven bedders, and darted off to the top of the ship. Amethyst sighed. Guess which bed was hers? the one next to Harper's and Silver's.


Amethyst sniffled as she glanced at the Typhlosion Necklace Silver had bought for her. She lifted her head above the covers to see Silver hugging Harper, and she was nestled into his chest, snoring.

Amethyst glanced at him and he glanced

Back. she didn't know she had been crying until she saw the tear hit the floor.

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