Double Journey Chapter 39

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Amethyst put her fingers to her lips to whistle, calling her Pokémon to her. Arcanine ran up instantly, followed by Latios and Salamence. Then Magma, who was panting. Where was Nidoking?

Amethyst felt Arcanine nudge her. She glanced to him. He shook his head and pointed to the ground. There was the huge hole that Nidoking had left.

Could it be...?

Arcanine turned to show Amethyst the mark on his shoulder that poison tail had left.

There was no doubt in Amrthyst's mind that Nidoking had ran away.


Amethyst had felt a little sorrowful. But why should she cry over spilled milk? She had two new baby pokemon.

Diamond, Amethyst and Lynn searched for things that they could give Valencia. Kippers was full already, but Amethyst didn't really know what normal types ate so they had to look a little farther.

"So have you found any nicknames for Eevee yet?" Diamond asked.

"Red already called her Valencia, and I like it so I'm going to keep it." Amethyst responded.

"So cute!" Diamond squealed. "So where is Eevee anyway?"

Suddenly there was a little yawn as Eevee unzipped Amethysts backpack and crept onto her shoulder with tired eyes. Diamond laughed.

"Guys, who's that swaggot with the stupid red hair?" Lynn asked. Amethyst turned. Suddenly her whole body seized up. Valencia, sensing a disturbance, licked Amethyst's cheek.

It was Lance. Standing next to him was an ombré girl with multicolored eyes. She was way shorter than him, but looked his age. When Lance turned and met her gaze, Amethyst began shaking with fear. "We need to leave. Now."

Lynn laughed. "I don't see why." She said, as Lance began walking over, the girl following.

Lance had arrived. He put his arm around Amethyst.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt, I just saw my old friend Amethyst and had to see her." He smirked.

Amethys slapped his hand away. "You're not my friend. Stay away from me."

Lance's gaze hardened. "Fine. If you want to be that way I won't pretend our little incident never's hard to pretend when your favorite past time is carving into dragon skin. Watching the knives flow with favorite feeling." Lance's arm crept around Amethyst's waist this time. "You still single?" He said as sneakily as an Arbok.

"Why do you care?" Amrthyst's voice quavered as Lance's hand edged downward. Amethyst thrashed, and Valencia tried to bite him but Lance hit her. "Stop that!" Diamond shreiked.

"You're right Diamond. The breasts are more fun. Lance held Amethyst so she couldn't escape and slipped a hand underneath her shirt. Amethyst screamed into his hand.

Suddenly Amethyst herd a yell. "HEY!" It was Red. Amethyst praised Arceus right then and there.

Red slammed Lance away from Amethyst, and punched him hard on the temple. Lance let out a screech of pain and staggered to the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER THAT WAY?! EVEN I DONT TOUCH HER THAT WAY!" Red shouted, kicking Lance in the stomach, hard. Lance let out a groan of pain before blacking out. Red ran to Amethyst and hugged her gently, whispering strengths in her ear. The rest of the group was comforting the ombre. Diamond even invited her to come with

Them on their journey, an offer to which the girl, Opal, accepted happily. Amethyst picked up Valencia. The poor Eevee had a bruise on her flank, which Amethyst sprayed a potion onto. After the five made it back to the group, the group left. No use spending more time there.

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