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"hi there jiminie!" seulgi greeted as jimin walked passed by her but he just ignored her, like always.

she sighed dreamily as she watched him walk through the corridors with his friends, seokjin and namjoon.

ohhhh park jimin why so perfect??? she asked to herself.

once they were out of my sight, she opened her locker and took the things that she will be needing for her first class and skipped to class feeling happy as ever. goodness, even just a small glimpse of him makes her day a million times better.

she sat on her seat and searched for jimin but he wasn't there yet. she pouted out of disappointment and her friends finally came then sat on their seats beside her.

She greeted them and they greeted back. they started up a conversation but she didn't really join in for she was way too caught up daydreaming about her dream boy, jimin.

"Hey, seulgi! listen!" Joohyun said and hit the back of her head.

She looked at her and asked her what.

"Tsk, seriously you never listen." Joohyun said and scratched her head.

"Sorry hehe." Seulgi eye smiled

"Bet she was thinking of a boy again, particularly named Jiminieee~" Sooyoung teased

"Who else?" Seulgi grinned

"Tch, you psycho." Joohyun said and they all laughed.

The teacher arrived moments later which made everyone go back to their seats. But Jimin wasn't there yet.

Where the hell is he? Seulgi asked to herself.

psycho ㅡ  seulminWhere stories live. Discover now