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Jimin huffed and puffed, preparing himself for what's going to happen and if what he's supposed to do.

"Come on, Jimin. Stop being such a wuss." He said to himself, slapping his own fluffy cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin flinched at the sudden voice.

He looked behind him and there was Kai, holding a fruit basket and some bags with him which made Jimin's eyebrows arch in confusion.

Kai noticed the questioning look on Jimin's face.

"This has nothing to do with you. Again, what are you doing here?"

"I-I just..." Jimin didn't know what to answer.

He didn't know if he should tell the guy in front of him the real reason if why he was standing outside of Seulgi's hospital room and if not. He didn't know if why it concerned this guy so much. He didn't know what to do at that time. He didn't know anything that's happening around him anymore.

"Whatever." Kai grumbled and walked passed Jimin, hitting the shorter lad's shoulder intentionally as he did so.

Kai opened the door and went in leaving the door open for Jimin. He hated the guy's guts but he wasn't that rude.

"Kai, you're back!" A voice inside the room that didn't belong to Seulgi, nor Seulgi's friends said but was familiar to Jimin and made him question if that someone really is the person who he think it is.

Jimin took slow steps going inside the room and saw Kai placing the things he bought inside the hospital room's cabinet, an unconsious Seulgi and someone he did not expect to be there.

"Mom?" He called out.

"Oh! Jiminie!"

Kai looked towards the two feeling lost. He didn't know that the old lady that has been taking care of Seulgi earlier was Jimin's mom.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked going near her

"Oh I just wanted to take care of my baby bear." His mom answered staring sweetly at the unconcious Seulgi.

"What? Why?" Jimin asked feeling more confused than ever

"Because." His mother answered sternly.

Jimin and Kai were both left dumbfounded over the things they have found out right now.

"How about you, sweetie? Are you here to visit Seulgi?" Jimin's mom asked him

"Oh- uh yeah, I guess." Jimin answered looking down.

"Well, since the two of you are here, I'm just gonna go buy some coffee. Watch over my baby bear for me first, okay?"

"Okay, mom." "Yes, ma'am."

"Alright then." She smiled sweetly one last time at them and left the room leaving a tensed and awkward room for Seulgi to rest in.

lmaoooo i'm sorry i'm still sick and i cant seem to function well lololol anyways our classes will resume tomorrow sucks bleugh anyways i will be updating tomorrow since i know i will be typing away in school bc school is boring af and it sucks hehez good night babies



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