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"Tell me why are Namjoon and Sooyoung here again?" Jimin whispered to Seulgi as they both looked at the four figures in front of them

Jimin finally agreed to Seulgi's plans and he called Seokjin. But Seokjin was with Namjoon and told him to come alone, also same goes to Joohyun. Seulgi called her and she was with Sooyoung which Seulgi also told her not to bring Sooyoung but she still did.

"Sooo...." Sooyoung puffed her cheeks looking at the sky

The other five all looked at her and Seulgi saw Seokjin chuckle lightly and she thought that he is such a weirdo.

"What are we going to do?" Sooyoung asked

"What do you think?" Seulgi asked back and went to the counter to buy six tickets for them.

"Hello miss can I please get six tickets please?" Shr asked politely.

"Alright, please wait a second, ma'am." The counter lady said and she nodded.

Once she got the tickets she went back to the others and they were now seperated in two groups. Boys and girls seperated.

"Hey, I've got the tickets. Let's go." She grinned at them and waved the tickets.

"Yey!" Sooyoung cheered and jumped on her.

"Sooyoung you're heavy!" She said and smacked the back of Sooyoung's head.

"Am not." The maknae mumbled, pouting and rubbing the spot where Seulgi hit her.

"Okay partner up!" Seulgi perked up then winked at Joohyun which made her blush a little.

"Mine!" Seulgi yelled and clinged onto my Jimin.

He just rolled his eyes then removed her arms off of him. She pouted but put her arms back on him.

Joohyun and Namjoon partnered up right away and so did Namjoon and Seokjin.

Ugh idiots. Seulgi groaned mentally rolling her eye at them.

"Boy and girl!!" She yelled pointing a finger at them.

They all looked at her with wide eyes, stopping what they were doing.

The different sexes looked at each other awkwardly and just stood there.

"A-uhh Namjoon, let's go!" Sooyoung was the first one to do something and went to Namjoon with her eye smile plastered on her face.

Namjoon was taken aback clearly since he was frozen still at first, blinking his eyes at Sooyoung, quite flustered.

"O-okay..." He finally spoke up and then Sooyoung linked her arms with him.

Tsk how does she do that?
Our baby chick is really that outgoing and friendly and easy to talk to and yeah. She's our Ddooddoongie.

Joohyun and Seokjin looked at each other not moving an inch.

"Let's go?" Seokjin asked Joohyun and she just nodded and they both started walking beside each other quite awkwardly.

Seulgi ooked at Jimin and he was smirking at Jin. Same as her expression with Joohyun.


Seulgi saw Sooyoung running towards her while Namjoon was behind her walking slowly with an embarrassed smile.

"The tickets?" Sooyoung asked once she was standing right in front of Seulgi.

"Oh! Oh my gosh sorry I forgot!" She said laughing and gave her two tickets for Sooyoung and Namjoon.

They both ran towards the entrance bumping into a flustered Joohyun and Seokjin.

Joohyun took two tickets from Seulgi and went back to Seokjin as they went to the entrance.

She chuckled shaking her head at them.

"Let's go, babe!" She said and smiled geniuinely at Jimin and dragged him towards the entrance.

First date with my Jimin let's go!!!! She smiled widely


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