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"Guys hurry up!" Seulgi called out to the girls behind her back walking so slowly.

"Yah slow down why are you in such a hurry anyways?" Joohyun yelled dragging Sooyoung with her.

"There's this specialty at Domino's today and it's a limited offer only!" Seulgi answered excitedly once the other two finally walked beside her.

"What is it unnie?" Sooyoung asked

"Pringles specialty." Seulgi answered with delight.

"Seriously?" Sooyoung asked

"Yeah. Junhoo told me so." Seulgi aswered

"Unnie, you do know Junhoo likes to mess with people." Sooyoung said arching her eyebrows at Seulgi.

Seulgi stopped dead on her tracks. She just remember about that. Damn it I got way too excited when I heard the words pizza and pringles in one sentence.

"Ughhhh!" She stomped her foot out of annoyance.

"It's okay, Seul let's just check if there really is one and if there isn't, then we'll beat him up." Joohyun said placing a hand on Seulgi's shoulder.

"Ugh alright." Seulgi answered and they started their journey towards Domino's again.

Once they entered, Seulgi right away asked the personnel there and there really was this specialty and she sighed with relief.

Seulgi ordered five boxes of it. Three for take out and two for her to eat for dine in. And some other flavors too for Joohyun and Sooyoung, whatever.

They sat down and waited for their orders.

Seulgi is very happy. At least pringles makes her happy. If only she could marry Pringles then she would but she's gonna marry  Jimin then Pringles would be like her side chick.

She looked around the place and there were some couples out on  dates and some groups of friends here and there.

Few minutes later, their orders finally arrived yeyeyeyey!!! She's so hyped right now because of her Pringles Pizza. Ugh so heavenly. She thought.

They started eating right away out of hunger and savored every bite. Domino's is heaven.

She stopped mid air in taking a bite from her third slice of pizza when she heard an oh so familiar-- very familiar laugh.

Her head snapped towards that direction and really, there he was.

My Park Jimin. With some girl?!!!

"Unnie why'd you stop-" Sooyoung stopped mid sentence once she saw what Seulgi was looking at.

"Isn't that Jimin?" Joohyun asked

Seulgi's eyes instantly squinted and her nose fumed with anger.

Oh hell to the no.

She abruptly stood up from her seat stomping her way towards Jimin and the girl he's with, pizza still in hand.

"Hey!" Seulgi yelled and the girl instantly looked at her.

The girl's face showed confusion and Jimin's showed terror anf confusion.

"Seulgi?" He stood up

Seulgi just arched her eyebrows at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked casually.

"What are you doing here?" She asked now arching both eyebrows at him.

"Out on a date." He answered

Her eyeballs almost popped out once those words slipped out of his mouth.

"With her?" She asked trying to push away the tugging feeling in her heart.

"Yeah." He answered and looked at the girl he's with.

"Oh." Seulgi breathed out. "Okay bye." She said then left going back to the two girls watching her with curiosity.

"What happened?" Joohyun asked

"Oh uh nothing." Seulgi answered and went back to eating the pizza in hand.

She tried her best to not look at Jimin and his date's direction but she just can't seem to do it. She keeps glancing at them from time to time and she sees then laughing at something or just smiling lovingly at each other.

"Ughhhh." Seulgi groaned, rolling her eyes at them and drank from her can of pepsi.

"Just go and ruin their date or something already." Joohyun said as she scrolled through her phone.

They already finished eating and theydecided to stay for a while.

"Why would I?" Seulgi asked scrunching up her face.

"Because he's your Jimin." The older one answered looking up from her phone.

That shut Seulgi up.

Well he is my Jimin. I own him even if I'm the only one who knows that. He's my man and I am definately his girl.

Seulgi stood up with determination and walked towtards Jimin.

"Hi." The date greeted her with a smile once her eyes met Seulgi's and Jimin looked at her.

"Hi." Seulgi greeted back with a forced smile.

"I'm sorry but this date is now officially over and there will never ever be any more in the future." She aid and dragged Jimin to stand up.

"What?" They both asked at the same time with the same shocked expression plastered on their faces.

"Yes and now, if you would excuse me, I will be having a talk with my man." Seulgi said and started dragging Jimin towards the exit.

"What? Seulgi yah! What the fuck??" Jimin started yelling and the people around them started watching the scene happening infront of them.

hiiiii I finally updated lol!! love lots!!! 💝

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