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It's been a few weeks since Taeyon and Jimin met at the bubble tea shop and they have been meeting up after school at the same time and same place.

The boys finally found out about it since they stalked him and didn't stop pestering him about it.

And today is finally the day Taeyon  and him will go out on an official date. He finally found the guts to ask her out and she said yes.

"Do I look good?" Jimin asked the two bored boys infront of him as he put on his jacket.

"Yes, but I'm much more good looking." Seokjin answered with a wink.

"Namjoon?" Jimin questioned, showing him his oh so good looking self.

"Uhh sure yeah but there's just something missing..." Namjoon said placing his finger on his chin, thinking.

"What is it?" Jimin asked

"Height." Namjoon answered and started laughing out loud with Seokjin.

"Fuck you." Jimin clicked his tongue and threw the shirts that were on his bed at his two friends.

"I'm just kidding Chim. You look great." Namjoon said once their laughter died down a little.

Jimin just rolled his eyes at the two and looked back at his own reflection in the mirror one last time.

"Well, I'm going. Remember to lock up before you leave." He told them and he heard them mumble a "yeah" and "bye" before he left.

i'm srsly having a huge writers block problem ugh anyways exams are near and we still have no electricity lololol sigh

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