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"Yah slow down a bit!" I yelled at the two who's helping me walk towards school

"Aish stop yelling! We're the once helping you out but all you do is yell at us!" Irene said and stopped walking

"It's not my fault you guys are my friends!" I answered back

Irene just clicked her tongue at me.

"What happened to you anyways, unnie?" Joy asked as we started walking again

"Nothing, I just tripped on a rock or something." I answered getting more annoyed

"Good morning!" Kai suddenly popped out of nowhere which made me stop on my tracks and which made the two stop in their tracks too

"Morning." The two greeted and I stayed quiet

"Ohoho what do we have here? What happened to her?" Kai asked

"Don't even ask and just help." Irene answered

"Sure for my Seulbear." He winked at me and kneeled infront of us his back facing us.

"What are you doing?" The three of us asked at the same time

"Come on." He answered patting his back

"What?" I asked,

"I'll carry you on my back so come on before I change my mind." He said

"Uhm no thanks." I answered and was about to start walking again when the two traitors pushed me on to Kai.

"Thanks girls." He thanked them and stood up, with me on his back.

"Hey hey hey be careful!" I said

"Alright alright." He answered

"Wait!" Joy called out and Kai stopped

Then I felt Joy tie something on my waist. Oh its a jacket.

"You're wearing a skirt, unnie." She eye sniled

"Th-thanks." I stuttered

"Well, we'll go off first see you guys at the classroom." Irene winked and ran off with Joy

Tsk, traitors.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked

When he spoke up again was when I realised I'm actually being carried by him and remembered his words from last time again.

"Damn it." I mumbled once I felt my cheeks getting hot

"What?" He asked

"Nothing, nothing just keep walking." I answered and burried my face into the crook of his neck

Why am I so flustered all of a sudden????

"Have you thought about it?" He suddenly asked once he started walking up the stairs

"A-about what?" I asked

"About us." He answered

"Kai, there's no us." I choked on air

"Ouch you really are brutal even emotionally."

I just kept quiet.

"It's okay if you're not yet ready. I can wait for you, you know. I really do like you and I hate seeing you getting hurt and totally when the reason is that short guy." He sighed

"Short huy?" I asked

"Oh you know, that Jimin guy. He's really short for a guy, you know, you know?" He chuckled

"Yah!" I yelled and hit his shoulder

"Ow! Don't hit me or we'll both fall off the stairs!" He said and I just clicked my tongue

"Well," he slowly put me onto ny feet still helping me stable myself "lets get to class first and focus on our studies and then we can wory about all these stupid love problems we have yeah? We can talk about all that shit later. We can even go out on a cute date together yeeeey!" He cheered

"Yah!" I smackes his head trying to hide my smile

"Let's just go inside already!" I said and went inside the classroom first, limping.

Why is he so cute? Aish

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