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Seulgi was finally discharged fom the hospital and she was more than happy about it. Kai is now feeling better and helped Seulgi discharge from the hospital.

If you're all wondering if why Kai is always the one taking care of Seulgi even at the times when it should be her parents there, it's because her parents are really busy in another country and left Kai in charge of their daughter.

"Are you going to school?" Seulgi asked Kai once they entered her little apartment.

It isn't small but it isn't big either. It was just right for a little teenage girl living alone.

"Dunno. How about you?" He asked back, shrugging.

"After lunch maybe." She said lying down on her couch as Kai closed the door and headed to her room to put her things neatly.

"I'll go then." Kai said once he went back to the living room.

"Great!" She looked at her wrist watch, "it's still ten in the morning so lets just rest for now then eat lunch outside then head to school. Great idea?" She asked

"Great idea. So now, go to your room and rest there. Your couch seems uncomfrotable to rest in."

"Great! Let's go!" She said dragging Kai towards her room with her.


Irene sat on her seat listening to whatever their history teacher is disscussing at the front when she felt her phone virate nonstop inside her pocket.

She was expecting it to be Seulgi but was not.








hey pretty lady

but im prettier


just kidding

look at ur damn phone, woman!!



Irene could only chuckle lightly at her boyfriend's silliness trying not to get caught using her phone under her desk at class hours.

She replied with a simple 'what' and looked at Jin.

He was already typung away on his phone.


when is seulgi coming back??


we miss her :((


Irene decided to just leave hin on read and just talk during break time.

Once lunch break came, the two love birds immediately met together with their friends and went to the cafeteria. They talked about random stuff and if when Seulgi was gonna go back to school. But it seems like one of them was awfully quiet the whole time and seemed very devastated.

"Yo, you alrght? You haven't said a word since then and you haven't even touched your food yet." Namjoon asked Jimin once he finally have had enough of seeing Jimin space out more as each second passed

"Uhh, yeah I'm fine." Jimin faked a smile

"Okay." Namjoon answered doubting his friend's answer and actions. The others were also just watching him, wondering if what's going on inside his head.


jimin y u sad

its friday!! no classes but we have practice smh

psycho ㅡ  seulminWhere stories live. Discover now