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"Wheres Jimin?" Seulgi asked once Namjoon and Seokjin went inside her hospital room.

"We don't know. He just suddenly dissappeared." Namjoon answered

"Oh." She answered feeling a little bit dissapointed

"It's okay Seul. Kai's here anyways." Irene said giving her a knowing look

"Speaking if Kai, where is he?" Jin asked

Everyone just shrugged not knowing where he is and decided to peel Seulgi some oranges.


It was already night time and the others already left to go home, but Kai. The doctor said Seulgi can go home the next day and that nothing serious really happened. She just needs to be careful always and not stress herself out.

"The doctor also said you can finally get rid of that cast in a week or two." Kai said to Seulgi as thet both ate their dinner quietly, some noise in the background given by the telivision.

Seulgi just nodded and ate her food with delite.

"Are you gonna go to school tomorrow?" Kai asked

"I don't know." Seulgi answered  scrunching up her nose.

"Well, tell me if you have decided."

"How 'bout you? Are you gonna go to school tomorrow? Aren't you sick? Wait you're sick and you're taking care of me. My goodness, Jongin. Stop pushing yourself to do shit." Seulgi facepalmed

Kai only watched her with a huge grin plastered on his face and started munching on his food again.

"What?" Seulgi asked

"What, what?" Kai asjed innocently.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She asked

"Nothing." He answered, biting his lower lip trying to stop himself from smiling.

"Tell me!" She pushed him lightly

"Tell you what?" He asked with a huge smile and a little laugh

She then just pouted at him trying to act cute.

"Its nothing, okay? Its just that... Youre really cute and you just called me Jongin." He answered shyly

"Oh." She blinked a few times feeling her cheeks heat up

"Oh my- are you blushing?" Kau asked with a laugh

"This is like the nth time! I'm so happy!" He cheered

"Shut up!"

"Hold up." He said holding his hands up


"Are you, Kang Seulgi starting to like me?" He asked

"Oh my go- ew! The hell no!" Seulgi answered right away fewling her cheeks heat up even more

"I just lost my appetite. Go home. Dont talk to me. Bye."

"Oh my God!" He said between laughs "Are you really??" He asked again

"I said shut up!" She answered

"If you are, then maybe you can finally think about ny question that day." He said with a sincere smile

"What question?" She asked

"If you can finally leave that one sided love bubble and be with me." Hr answered, scratching his nape.

Seulgi was taken aback for a second and wasn't able to say anything.

But she has thought about it. She has actually accepted the fact that Jimin will never be his and that Kai has alwats been there for her and that she might have caught very super duper uber little feeling for him.

"Eh." She answered


She just snirked at him.


"It's a secret."

"Are you gonna tell me or I'm gonna kiss you right now." He threatened

"What?" She asked and covered her lips right away. "Don't you dare." She glared at him

"Just kidding, Seulbear. You don't have to rush." He chuckled at her cuteness

"Whatever. I want to watch some tv." She said, pouting.

"Alright. Are you done?" He asked  pointing at her food


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