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"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin yelled, covering himself with his comforter.

Seulgi gulped and just stood there completely frozen, eyes wide open.

Wow okay, he just woke up and is sick but damn what the hell. How the fuck is he still so hot? The way his hair is sticking out in different directions looking messy and sexy as hell. His eyes half close, lips quite pale but still kissable and intimidating. Seulgi thought tilting her head a little, gawking at the art right in front of her and licked her lips. Fuck he's so ugh!!

"Hey! I asked you if what the hell you're doing here!" Jimin yelled which made her flinch and go back to reality.

Seulgi opened her mouth thinking of a reason to answer when the door opened and Jimin's mom walked in with a tray. The porridge Seulgi bought, some water and meds on it.

"Mom! Why is the hell is there a creep in my room?!" Jimin asked his mom covering his self more with his comforter.

"Jimin watch your mouth! And she is not a creep. I let her come inside." Jimin's mother answered

"What!? Why?!"

"Because!" Jimin's mom answered getting quite annoyed by her son's annoying useless questions and put down the tray on the beside table.

"Sit properly and eat this porridge." She said and took the porridge from the tray

Jimin then sat up properly and took the porridge from his mom and started eating it.

"Mhh this is really good. Did you cook this?" Jimin asked eating the porridge fast, blowing on it before he puts the spoon inside his mouth.

"No, Seulgi bought it for you."

Once those words went out of his mother's mouth, Jimin right away spit out the porridge inside his mouth and looked at his mother horrified.

"What?!" He yelled out

"Stop screaming!" His mother said and hit his arm

Did they forget I'm here? Seulgi wondered

"Mom! Why did you feed me this?" He asked and put down on the beside table the bowl of half eaten porridge.

"Why? Is it not good? You ate half of it and you said it tastes good. What's wrong with it?" His mother asked, taking the bowl of porridge and started sniffing it.

"She could've put poison on it! Or worse, a love potion!" He exclaimed

Seulgi raised her eyebrows, thinking, Why didn't I think of that? I mean the love potion thing. Not the poison lol- maybe. What? He's mean! No just kidding I love him way too much hehe.

"Stupid!" His mother said putting down the bowl and hit my Jimin at the back of his head.

Seulgi bit her upper lip amused of the mother and son arguing in front of her.

"Seulgi honey, please take care of my baby for a while. We have no more milk. I should go to the nearest convenience store for a while." Jimin's mother said finally looking at Seulgi and so did Jimin.

So they finally realized I'm still here lol.  Seulgi mentally rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Ah- uh okay, Auntie." Seulgi agreed and bowed

"Hehe okay. Good bye! Jimin finish this porridge or else." Jimin's mother said giving him a stern look and finally left the room.

Seulgi looked back at Jimin and he groaned placing both hands on his face.

Seulgi smiled and went near him.

"Hi." She greeted

Jimin looked at her like she was about to rape him.

Lol I'm not that addicted to you, stupid! Just kidding I am. Seulgi mentally did an evil laugh.

She sat on his bed and blinked her eyes a couple of times cutely at him.

"Get away from me!" He pushed her off his bed and she fell on the floor.

"Okay okay. Just finish eating the porridge please." She sighed standing up.

"The fuck no." He answered, facing away.

"Please?" She asked and did aegyo.

He looked at her with no emotion and hit the bowl. It ended up falling on the floor, the porridge spilled.

What a waste.

She frowned and faced him. He was already lying on his bed, the whole comforter covering his whole body.

She sighed and headed downstairs searching for a rag or mop.

Taking care of Jimin is hard as fuck.


i just typed those words rn and updated bc i had a nice day :)) hope u did too 💟

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