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"Jimin, Kai! Will the both of you just calm the fuck down?? You're both just making the situation worse!" Irene scolds at the two who have been pacing around the hallways ever since.

Jimin and Kai havent spoken a word to each other since the six of them gathered and a huge tension has covered the atmosphere almost immediately.

"I dont know what to do. I don't know what I would say to Seulgi's parents. I dont know if I could still face them- this is all my fault. I don't know if-"

"Kai, calm down it's okay. We're here with you." Irene softened hearing those words come out of Kai's mouth.

He'a blaming himself even though everything bad happening isnt his fault. Not even a tiny bit and he even did everything he could do just to save Seulgi. Just to keep her safe.

Kai bit his lip gulping hia saliva trying hard to not cry anymore.

"But are Seulgi's parents coming?" Irene asked softly

"Yeah. Yeah they are. They were supposed to come here next week but I called them and told them what happened so they booked the earliest flight there is. I dont know when it is but they said they'll be here around midnight I think." Kai answered finally sitting down beside Joy who was just staring off to nowhere feeling drained and depressed. Kai noticed that and gave her a side hug just to comfort her.

"Is she going to be alright? Is unnie going to be alright?" She asked, voice hoarse due to all the crying and lack of water.

"Of course. She's strong. She'll get through this. She's Seulgi." Jimin answered for Kai.

They all looked at the boy. He looked dead. And they felt kind of guilty for blaming him.

Jimin explained everything to them and they blamed him for a second but once they calmed down, they apologized saying it wasnt really his fault but Jimin just sad smiled at them knowing that it actually was.

Seulgi was now in the operating room. She got hit by the bullet in the head but still managed to stay alive and got to the hospital. Now the doctors just need to take the bullet off her head and also the tumor at the same time. They already talked to her parents through the phone and they have privately discussed what to do.

"Seulgi's strong. She'll get through this."

next chapter is the last chapter lololololololol bye

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