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The next day,  Jimin didn't go to school but Namjoon and Seokjin did.

Where is he? Is he alright? He told me yesterday that he wasn't feeling alright. Oh my he did tell me yesterday. Is he like, opening up to me now? Oh my--  Seulgi squealed lightly getting way too excited with her own thoughts and her seatmates looked at her like she's a some kind of psychopath.

Classes went by like a flash and it was finally time to go home. Joohyun and Sooyoung are going to another way so they went off already. And now, Seulgi's in a restaurant waiting for her order.  She has decided to go to Jimin's house and take care of him since he's sick. Namjoon and Seokjin told her so.

Finally after how many minutes of waiting for her order, she finally got it and now she is on her way to my Jimin's house. It's not that hard to find since she has followed him on his way home for more than ten times already. She's not a stalker or anything. She's just a worried future girlfriend. That's what she said.

And at last she  finally arrived at her destination. She walked towards their front door and was about to knock on the door but...

Are his parents home? Will they let me in? How will they react? How will he react?

Well, we wouldn't know if we don't try and do stuff right?

And so she knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman in front of Seulgi. She was wearing an apron and looked quite tired.

"H-hello."  Seulgi greeted and bowed.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The woman asked me

"U-uhm is this where Park Jimin lives?" Seulgi asked just to make sure

"Oh uh yes, who are you?"

"Hello, I am Kang Seulgi and I am Jimin's friend." Seulgi intoduced herself and bowed again.

"Oh, hello. Come in come in!" And so Seulgi did what was said

"Please sit down." She said kindly and Seulgi sat down on one of the couches.

The woman then sat down on one of the seats in in frot of Seulgi and she looked around the house it's quite simple and beautiful you could actually feel that homey feeling in there.

Then Seulgi remembered the porridge she bought for Jimin.

"Oh uh, here." She handed the porridge over.

"What's this?" The woman asked sweetly.

"That's porridge, ma'am. Namjoon told me that Jimin is sick that's why I'm here. To bring him that and the notes and homeworks he missed for today."

"Oh how nice of you. Stop calling me ma'am, darling. Just call me Auntie, okay?" She asked with a smile

"Yes, autie." Seulgi nodded lightly and looked down once she felt my cheeks heat up.

"I will just put this in a bowl and go on ahead into Jimin's room." Jimin's mother said standing up.

"It's the second room to the right upstairs with the black door." She said and went into the kitchen Seulgi assumed.

She just stood there for a while debating if she should go or not.

Well, this is her chance and so she hurridly went upstairs and knocked on the black door in front of her.

Jimin didn't say anything so she knocked again, louder.

"What?" He asked in the other side of the door.

"Can I come in?" Seulgi asked

He didn't answer and so she just went in.

She closed the door behind her and saw him lying on his bed facing the other side of the room.

His room isn't that messy. Some clothes here and there but it's quite tidy. She walked towards his study table and some books are on it and some pens scattered and open notebooks.

She heard him groan and looked at him. He moved a little and sat up.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at Seulgi.

He was showing no emotion at first. But then his eyes shot wide open and screamed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He yelled, covering himself with his comforter.

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