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Seulgi skipped out of school with her friends talking about anything that was in their heads when they saw Jimin with Namjoon and Seokjin a few meters away from school.

A grin creeped onto her lips once she saw them. One, because she saw Jimin and two, because she thought about making Joohyun and Seokjin happen.

Hehehe I'm such a good friend. Seulgi smirked

"Joohyun unnie. Let's go get ice cream!" Seulgi said and started dragging her towards the direction where the three boys were at.

"What? Why?" Joohyun asked

"Because I want some." I answered, nearing the three boys talking and laughing with each other.

"Unnies wait for me!" Sooyoung called out and ran after us.

Oops I totally forgot about baby Sooyoung...

Once they were just a few steps away from the three boys, she acted like she just saw them and that everything was a coincidence.

"Oh... Jimin!" She called out and waved at him.

The three boys looked at the three girls and Jimin's expression changed.

He still hates me lol. Don't worry my Jimin you'll love me someday.

She ran towards them, dragging Joohyun with her and Sooyoung following behind.

"Hi Jimin. Hi Namjoon and Seokjin." Seulgi greeted with a big smile.

Sge then nudged Joohyun to greet them, just Seokjin really hehe. And she did, lightly.

Aish this woman.

She looked at Sooyoung and gestured for her to greet the boys and she did.

"Hello." She greeted bowing a little and showed her eye smile.

Aghh she's so cute hehe. Seulgi thought with a smile feeling proud of her cute friend being cute.

The three boys were looking at Sooyoung quite astonished by her charm. Hehe that's my baby Sooyoung-ah. But my Jimin, is my Jimin.

"Jimin! Stop staring at our baby Sooyoung!" Seulgi said and hit Jimin on his arm.

He just glared at her and everyone else stopped staring at Sooyoung which she was thankful for since she was starting to get consious because of all the stares she wad getting.

"Hello Jin." Seulgi grinned at him and he just looked at her.

"You know my friends right? Sooyoung and Joohyun unnie." She said pushing Joohyun to him lightly.

"Stop!" Joohyun whisper yelled and went back to Seulgi's side, blushing.

"Uhh yeah I do." He answered

"Oh well I hope you guys would be great friends or maybe even more than friends. Since you know. I'm dating your friend and-"

"What what what what? Hold up." Jimin said raising his hands up.

They all looked at him.

"And since when were you dating one of us?" He asked, eyebrows arched.

"That's a secret." Seulgi winked and linked my arms with Joohyun and Sooyoung.

"Good bye for now, babe. Love you!" Seulgi said and winked at Jimin then started dragging the both girls away with her.

Hehe I love it when he gets furious because of me. It only shows how huge of an impact I give him. She smirked skipping away.

lol ok seulgi ok sure uhm

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